Today, all such offenders officially have some kind of "mental problem". But there is also an unofficial part of the news, which everyone is silent about, I will say that too - writes Zsolt Bayer about the assassination attempt in the Vatican.

I'm in Florence. They say it is the cradle of the Renaissance. Of course. Dante, the Medici - my favorite is "The Gout", sa dom. When they start building, III. András sits on the Hungarian throne, when his dome is finished, Mátyás reigns. One hundred and seventy-five years pass between the foundation and the completion of the dome, and during these one hundred and seventy-five years the Renaissance is also completed.


Here comes the news, at the base of the cathedral:

"A car sped through the eastern St. Anne gate of the Vatican on Thursday evening, breaking through two checkpoints of the Swiss Guard and the Vatican gendarmerie," the Holy See announced. According to the information, the car first approached the gate, but the Swiss Guard refused to enter.

The driver then made a U-turn and drove to the entrance.

The Vatican security guards tried to shoot out the front wheel of the vehicle in order to stop it. Even though the shot from the pistol hit the front left fender, the car continued all the way to the Cortile di San Damaso, or back yard of the Apostolic Palace.

The driver got out of his vehicle there without being prompted and was detained by security.

The man in his forties was immediately subjected to a medical examination. The Vatican health directorate diagnosed him with a "mental disorder". The man is currently in the custody of the Vatican Gendarmerie."

That's the official part of it. Today, all such offenders officially have some kind of "mental problem".

But there is also an unofficial part of the news that everyone is hearing about, I'll say that too.

The car was an armored vehicle and was packed with explosives. The car passed through three checkpoints, San Damaso, Belvedere and Cortile della Sentinella, and was shot at in all three places. The driver had to have serious experience in driving a high-speed vehicle in narrow spaces, and he was obviously prepared for this complicated situation. , on difficult terrain.

Um… Who could it be? And what did he want? We'll never know.

And what follows from this? Well, it's the same. It would be time for a new European renaissance. Before the muezzin will call you to prayer in the cathedral of Florence, before the nearest soldier sent here (admitted) struggling with "psychological problems" blows up the Vatican. Before…

Zsolt Bayer's full article can be read HERE!

Featured image: CÖF / Péter Mészáros