"Until this song is played on state radio, or until Béla Pintér receives the Kossuth Award, we can't really talk about democracy," the lyricist declared on Klubrádio.

Klubrádió launched a so-called "survival exercise", in the framework of which they ask for money from their supporters to operate. Mandiner watched the Klubrádió show .

"Until this song is played on state radio, or until Béla Pintér receives the Kossuth Award, we can't really talk about democracy," Bródy declared right at the beginning of the conversation.

"Since Montesquieu, we have known that power must be shared so that the individual branches can control each other," Bródy continued his explanation. The independence of the legislative power, the executive, the judiciary and, as the fourth branch, the media is fundamental. In this regard, Bródy believes that the struggle of the arts and the press, which aims at independence, is a struggle for freedom.

He added: according to him, the principle of divide and rule (divide et impera) rules in Hungary today, the press has been taken over, the government has turned it into a propaganda machine, the opposition has been divided, the elections are being manipulated, and they are not allowed to have any say in what information reaches the people.

According to Bródy, the government is doing everything to ensure that there is no other winner, it is dividing the country. However, there is another race where this tactic doesn't work. "I belong to the two-thirds who are in the minority in Hungary today, who can't really express themselves, can't fulfill their talents, can't operate freely, organize themselves, find friends, which ultimately results in Hungary falling behind in the international competition," stated Bródy .

"My historical experience is that this kind of right-wing and national romanticism always leads the country to disaster sooner or later, because it is irrational," said the songwriter-performer in the interview.

The full conversation is available here.

Cover photo: MTI/Balázs Mohai