According to Lili Pankotai, it is not enough to make nice speeches at demonstrations. Let's say he didn't even say that...

As we reported yesterday , “You are hurting children! A student protest was organized for Friday afternoon in Budapest under the title "7YES against the child abuse system". Before the event, 444 interviewed the representative of the United Student Front (EDF), József Gajzágó, and Lili Pankotai.

The students believed that the events of the past few weeks could have given new impetus to the demonstrations, and that the police's actions against the students had encouraged many to join the demonstrators.

József Gajzágó said that the demonstration goes from Kossuth Square to Oktogon, but what happens after that is the individual decision of the participants. He put it into perspective that they could even go up to the Buda Castle again, where members of the EDF are trying to ensure the safety of the demonstrators.

"It would be the task of the government-run police to take care of the safety of the protesters, but it is clearly not a concern for them, so we have to solve this"

- He told.

According to Lili Pankotai, the government expects the students to get tired and that the resistance will die down after a while. He added that Hungary has a hybrid regime between democracy and dictatorship, in which the demonstrations are also of a different nature.

"The traditional form of protest, as we have seen, does not work in the case of a hybrid regime.

People act violently against a dictatorship, according to their freedoms in a democratic country.

And in a hybrid system, it is necessary to reach for new and newer means of protest, to organize unexpected actions, while educating and motivating people," he said.

According to him, "you have to see that no matter how much people support the cause that we represent, in the 21st century we have a lot of impulses, and if the government is not even willing to communicate with us, instead it responds with repressive measures and waits for let's get tired, then the resistance can really turn into apathy", he expressed his opinion.

The obscene little girl also spoke about the fact that although violence should not be resorted to, it is not enough to make nice speeches at the demonstration. According to him, the government has crossed a line, "it's far from just the education system, they want to destroy the remains of democracy by severely restricting the rights of teachers."


Featured image: HírTv