Recently, the series of demonstrations has become more and more aggressive, but sometimes it is also interspersed with funny and embarrassing scenes. In any case, Momentum is already warming up. The organization of the demonstration was not smooth after Facebook canceled the event citing hate speech!

"You hurt children! "With 7YES against the child abuse system", the United Student Front announced a large-scale demonstration at 5:30 this afternoon. The organization of the demonstration was not smooth after Facebook canceled the event citing hate speech.

It is indicative of the persecution mania of the organization's members that they believe Megafon and the government are so afraid of them that they have sent their troll army on them.

The organizers carefully play on the fact that recently there have been minor atrocities between the demonstrators and the police, because according to them, the authorities resorted to physical intimidation, and even more people received tear gas from the "child protection government". "They know exactly that they are hurting children, but it doesn't bother them. The Orbán system hurts children even when it destroys our education, takes away our future, and takes revenge on our teachers," they write. The status law, which is called a tool of revenge, is still considered unacceptable, they demand the immediate withdrawal of the entire draft, and also that

the government should keep its previous promises and sit down to negotiate with the United Student Front.

It is planned that the march will start on Friday from Kossuth square, from the István Tisza monument and arrive at Oktogon. By the way, the choice of location and route is quite interesting and strange. Such demonstrations usually die because they do not really have a goal, they do not have a conclusion that can be taken seriously. If it is really planned that the demonstration will end in one of the busiest points of the city, but in a rather narrow area - where there is no symbolic government or party building - then it can be predicted that most of the marchers will become dissatisfied and will most likely start for the Castle. Presumably, the police are also preparing for this, and what the consequences of this will be, cannot yet be guessed.

Of course, all of this depends a lot on the current hard core of the opposition, Momentum, which after a long time, it seems, found its political credo in breaking the cordon and attacking the police. Another issue is that the other left-liberal-green parties do not necessarily agree with this either. Péter Ungár most strongly opposes Gelencsérek's actions. A few days ago, the co-chairman of the LMP said,

"We do not think that breaking the cordon is a good way to solve the problems of teachers. We think that mixing teachers' salaries with the issue of freedom of the press and the rule of law does not help, but harms."

And in Spirit FM's Aktuál program, he said that you don't have to be upset because someone puts up a fence.

One of the frontmen of Friday's movement will presumably be Lili Pankotai again, who has become somewhat ridiculous in the media in recent days.

The protesting teachers and students wanted to take advantage of the open day of the office of the President of the Republic to enter the building on Sunday, but then the President of the Republic, Katalin Novák, unexpectedly appeared among them and mingled with several of them. Here, Pankotai wore a white T-shirt that read "in principle, independent Katalin"; they obviously wanted to write "in principle" on it, but the awkward letter "l" was left out. But what is perhaps even more embarrassing in the story is what the young girl later said about the spelling mistake. He said that he cannot completely rule out the possibility that it was an intentional damage, a kind of sabotage, but that he learned a lot from the incident.

Screenshot / YouTube

Civilians. Info: Strange! Our featured image comes from the Facebook page of the organization Egységés Díákfront or we, and only one comment can be read below it: "szürhe".

Maybe this was the most indecent comment, the rest were deleted? But don't know where to find supportive and encouraging comments? Did the FB-Almighty declare it as hate speech, or are there simply no such things? This student movement is strange and, I must admit, somewhat scary. These children are slowly becoming trained street fighters, and the powerful of the world want to fight the battle against the government with them. We remember well the words of Charles Gati, an American Democratic representative of Hungarian origin, nearly 10 years ago:

indeed, there are opportunities to remove the government - if possible, in a democratic way, if not, in another way".

The elite interested in globalization have not given up on this even to this day. If it was not possible to achieve this with the liberals, it was not possible with the communists, nor the greens, nor the Guardsmen, nor all of them together, then let the children come. They too must be fought. They don't want to wait until the elections! Now they want to replace the government. Hey please! youth, folly, we wash our hands, the main thing is to get a lot of photos of tear gas and rubber batons, so that you can see what kind of violent power reigns here in Buda Castle!  

There was a war where children were also sent to the front when everything was lost. The adults gave up or died. We remember these photos well, don't we?  

Source: Mandarin

Featured Image: Facebook