"Ukraine cannot win the war against Russia," the American business news portal Bloomberg quoted Prime Minister Viktor Orbán as saying. In an interview with Bloomberg, the Hungarian Prime Minister said that "if you look at the numbers, if you look at the terrain, if you look at NATO's refusal to send troops, it is clear that there is no victory for the Ukrainians on the battlefield."

Viktor Orbán said: "from an emotional point of view, this war is a tragedy, which is why we support the Ukrainians with all our hearts, we understand how much they are suffering". He added: "But as a politician, I have to consider saving lives, which is the most important thing for the international community."

This is especially true if one believes, as I do, that this war cannot be won. That is why more efforts should be devoted to convincing everyone of the importance of a ceasefire, which could be followed by peace negotiations, explained the Hungarian Prime Minister.

He added:

"I have always suggested that instead of expanding the war, we should stop the possibility of escalation, and therefore we should argue on the side of peace negotiations."

The Hungarian Prime Minister gave a speech at the Qatar Economic Forum to be held in Doha, where he noted the "special situation" of our country regarding the Russian-Ukrainian war.

"Hungary is not a distant country in terms of the war, but a neighbor of Ukraine, and besides, there are about two hundred thousand Hungarians living in the country who are part of the conflict, as they are called to the front as soldiers, where many of them lose their lives," he said. He added:

"We also lose Hungarian lives on a daily basis, which is why we look at the war from a special point of view and do not belong to the European mainstream."

My opinion has always been that this war was a failure of diplomacy, it should never have started. Looking at the front, it became clear to us that no decision can be reached on the battlefield. And the question is not, because there is no question in this, that Russia attacked Ukraine, but what will happen tomorrow morning. And currently the answer to this is that more and more people are dying, and there is no chance of victory on either side - emphasized the Hungarian Prime Minister.

"The war can only be stopped if Russia makes an agreement with the United States," Viktor Orban was quoted as saying by Bloomberg. He added that he hopes that Donald Trump will win the US presidential election next year.

The American Democrats interfere in people's lives, but we don't like that - MTI quoted Viktor Orbán.

In the photo published by the Prime Minister's Press Office, Prime Minister Viktor Orbán (j) speaks at the Qatar Economic Forum in Doha on May 23, 2023. From left, John Micklethwait, editor-in-chief of Bloomberg. (Source: MTI/Prime Minister's Press Office/Benko Vivien Cher)

In the photo published by the Prime Minister's Press Office, Prime Minister Viktor Orbán (j) speaks at the Qatar Economic Forum in Doha on May 23, 2023. From left, John Micklethwait, editor-in-chief of Bloomberg. (Source: MTI/Prime Minister's Press Office/Benko Vivien Cher)

In response to a question, the Hungarian Prime Minister explained: in the United States, the Democrats are led much more on an ideological basis, compared to the Republicans; democrats regularly try to convince people of their principles and sometimes even impose their will on others.

"I don't like this, we have our own culture, our own way of life, don't let them interfere, please!" said Viktor Orbán.

He added:

Don't educate us, don't tell us what's good and what's bad, it's not the job of Americans or people of other nations to tell Hungarians how to live.

"Former Republican President Donald Trump understands this well," added the Hungarian Prime Minister.

It is a matter of principle that if a country like Ukraine expects financial support from us, it should show respect and not put our companies on the blacklist - MTI quoted Viktor Orbán.

The prime minister added:

If you need our money, show respect and don't sanction our companies! - referred to the fact that after Kyiv put OTP Bank on the "black list", our country suspended its support for further EU aid to Ukraine

Source: Hungarian Nation

Featured image: In the image published by the Prime Minister's Press Office, Prime Minister Viktor Orbán (j) speaks at the Qatar Economic Forum in Doha on May 23, 2023. From left, John Micklethwait, editor-in-chief of Bloomberg. (Source: MTI/Prime Minister's Press Office/Benko Vivien Cher)