The Pentecost roses are opening, the spring flowers are "applauding" - jasmine is in the garden right now - the scent of acacia and elder is in the air. As it has been in this sky belt for thousands or millions of years. Nature is exact. He knows his stuff.

After all, everything is God's creation, we all live in God's heart. And God is three persons: the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. The Father is the creator, the Son is the savior, and the Holy Spirit is nothing but the outpouring of the world.

Of course, God has always been and always will be. We try to imagine him in time like this, but since we see fragmentedly and "dimly through a mirror", we are unable to do so. However, if we approach him with faith and prayer, we can feel that we too are part of his Holy Spirit.

Jesus ascended to heaven on the fortieth day and after 10 days the Holy Spirit descended, a flame ignited above the heads of the apostles, and he appeared above Mary in the form of a dove. The appearance of God in human form brought the ascension out of darkness, and the public incarnation of the Holy Spirit set history in motion. The apostles began to speak in tongues and the teachings of Jesus gave way and direction: "I am the way, the truth and the life".

The Holy Spirit makes the individual being, man, "awake" and sensitive to recognize the true nature of the world. True nature is the divine composition in which you are able to perceive completeness. Prayer, the praying community can give you awareness: the awareness that you are the same as the totality of the spiritual and physical world forever and ever. If you like now and forever. The Indians and the holy books also knew this. Mindfulness means that the individual dream image is disintegrated by the gift of God. The soul recognizes, as it is written in the Vedas: "etad vai tat and tat tvam asi". That is, it is none other than that and this is you. "He who can see living beings all in themselves, as parts of his Self and himself in all that lives. One begins to see and know that there is an unchangeable identity in the world. This is none other than that and this is you." (Béla Hamvas)

In other words, in the God to whom we belong - and in all of us - it lives in living and inanimate nature. In and above it. Living beings know exactly what they are doing: they entrust themselves to God. Those of us who have free will often try to speculate differently, distinguish ourselves from others and create a kind of self-deity.

The peony knows that it belongs to God's community. The Lord also takes care of the birds of the sky. On this beautiful spring day, we give ourselves to the Holy Spirit with faith:

to our eternal community.

Featured Image: Pixabay