It's an uplifting feeling to experience the unity of the nation - Katalin Novák summed up the experience of participating in the farewell ceremony in Csíksomlyó on Saturday, after participating with hundreds of thousands of pilgrims in the Pentecost mass celebrated in the saddle between Kis- and Nagysomlyó. Now, praying to the Lord God for peace gained a completely different meaning than before

The President of the Republic told the journalists who asked him: those who, like him, have not yet been to the farewell ceremony in Csiksomlyo, may not be able to understand how uplifting it is to feel and experience the unity of the nation.

It was said in the sermon today that a mother is happy when the family is together. This is also true for a head of state: a head of state is happy when the nation is together, and I experienced this national unity here today. It was good to worship God together, said the President of the Republic.

In an interview with the public media, Katalin Novák said: the Christian faith and belonging to the Hungarian nation together on the pilgrimage to Csíksomlyo, where the Hungarians now begged for peace.

This is particularly appreciated when there is a cruel war raging next door, in which Hungarian people have also lost their lives, and the Hungarians as a whole fear that the war may reach the country, he pointed out.

Therefore, praying to God for peace now has a completely different meaning than before: this is the peace that we Hungarians want. But we also want peace in our everyday lives. We want peace in Hungary and we want peace here in Transylvania, peace between Hungarians and Hungarians, peace between Hungarians and Romanians, peace in Europe, said Katalin Novák.

After the Mass, the President of the Republic visited the Gothic church of Csíksomlyó, which is decorated with a statue of Mary, carved from linden wood and declared a miracle worker by the church in 1798.

Katalin NOVÁK farewell from Csíksomlyo

Csíksomlyó, May 27, 2023.
President of the Republic Katalin Novák in the church of Csíksomlyó on the day of farewell to Csíksomlyó, May 27, 2023.
MTI/Nándor Veres

The 2.27-meter tall statue of Mary in Csíksomlyo, created by an unknown artist, is the largest statue of grace known in the world.

Source: Hungarian Nation

Featured image: Katalin Novák's Facebook page