Today ends the XVIII. Reformed Music Festival. Sixty programs are offered at the event's six venues: classical, light music and jazz concerts, folk music, an organ marathon, a choir meeting, and church music performances.

The three-day festival began on Friday with a musical procession from Kálvin tér on Ráday utca to Bakáts tér, where Reformed pastor Gábor Káposztá delivered a sermon at the opening service. Among others, Cantus Dei, Dalinda, Söndörgő and Magidom entertained the audience at Bakáts Square, the Kaláka band performed at Ráday Ház. On Friday, after the concerts, a procession with torches and singing began from Bakáts tér to the Kálvin tér Reformed Church, where those interested could participate in a late evening musical devotion, the service of the sermon was performed by Bishop Szabolcs Koppány Hajdú.

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