This time, DK supporter Bauer went after Katalin Novák on social media. He criticizes the president of the republic because he "wants to embrace Hungarians living as a minority in neighboring countries."

"There is something in which he is definitely worse than Áder was. As far as I can remember during Áder's ten years as president, he did not continue László Sólyom's raids across the border. Indeed, Sólyom, who became one of the most important personalities of the Hungarian regime change as the architect of constitutionalism with his presidency of the Constitutional Court,

as president of the republic, he poisoned Hungary's neighborhood relations in the spirit of Orbán's "national policy".

It was memorable when he wanted to inaugurate a statue of St. Stephen in Komárom, which belongs to Slovakia, but Slovakia did not allow him to do so, and he had to turn back halfway from the bridge in Komárom.

It also happened that Sólyom's plane was not allowed to land in Romania, and therefore he had to travel by car to the event in Székelyföld, where he had to inaugurate something. His five-year presidency was accompanied by such clashes with neighboring states. However, Sólyom made a clear distinction between a political and a cultural nation in his presentation at the Selye János University in Komárom, but he did not draw the obvious conclusion that as head of state, I repeat: as the formal head of the state, he has nothing to do in the Hungarian-inhabited areas of the neighboring countries, since neither does Székelyföld , neither Csallóköz is part of the Hungarian state.

He can only be a private person there, who does the right thing if he goes to the theater in Komárom or Marosvásárhely, but as head of state, it is only right for him to inaugurate a statue within the borders of the Hungarian state.

Well, Áder refrained from such things, there were no diplomatic exchanges between the neighbors and the Budapest government because of him. Katalin Novák, on the other hand, apparently wants to embrace the Hungarians living as a minority in neighboring countries."

Katalin Novák Csíksomlyón: It is an uplifting feeling to experience the unity of the nation 

Source: Tamás Bauer's Facebook page

Featured image: MTI/László Beliczay