András Hont also did not leave Péter Jakab's Facebook post unsaid, in which the politician proudly reported that he had left Jobbik a year ago.

The publicist wrote on his social media page that

sometimes something good can happen with Jobbik.

After that, the former president of Jobbik also reacted, referring to András Hont as the former campaign manager of Tamás Deutsch. The publicist also did not leave this unanswered and sent a message to Péter Jakab on Facebook.

“So. I shared Jakab's picture with a comment, which informed me that he had left Jobbik a year ago, which Jakab shared with a comment, which I now share with a comment. Any way I count, it's been 25 years since I last served as Deutsch's campaign manager, and

Deutsch won, but Jakab has never succeeded"

can be read in Hont's post.

He added: "Another thing to note is that I still broadly agree with myself at that time, I'm glad that Fidesz won in '98, and I mostly consider the activities of the Orbán government between '98 and 2002 to be good, and what not, during the process and since then anyone who was interested could also read it. On the contrary, very little is known about how Jakab relates to Jakab in the guard vest".

"Another difference is that when I parted ways with my former party, I left politics, whereas in Jakab's winding path, one thing remains unchanged: he always wants to be something that is paid for with state money. Anyway, the whole thing wouldn't have been noticed if Magyar Nemzet hadn't written which paper was left-wing, while Jakab is Fidesz. They will inform me of the final result, so what I am then"

Hont wrote.