From Kunhalmi rushing to the door, to Jakab carrying durable food to the Parliament, to fence-slashing momentaries.

"Certain recipes work well in the Western world. Some groups can be bullied into street and other mischief. And the media portrays them as victims, who legitimately protest because of the "oppression" against them. And the dumbed-down, self-hatred and guilty masses eat up the story, and not only are they not outraged by the violence and looting, but are even able to sympathize with the rioters.

This recipe does not work in Hungary, thank God. Alinsky methods are not accepted by the vast majority of society.

Although the domestic left constantly tries to copy the recipes, it usually fails.

From Kunhalmi rushing to the door, to Jakab carrying durable food to the Parliament, to fence-slashing momentaries. (The other fence cutter, Gyurcsány, apparently has more sense; he never participates in these actions.)

Well, why is the domestic left so pathetic?

And not only the first line, at Christmas time, Marquis-Zayst. The second, with Miklós Hajnal, Márton Tompos, László Kiss in particular. Although it happens that they are elected by the spoiled, dumbed-down, mainstream media-consuming environment of a Budapest district, most of the country is not interested in them. I wonder why the supply is so weak?

Just think, what does a young person see today when they look around the political palette?

On one side, a leader with a strong, determined vision who is able to put it into practice, and his similarly well-prepared, effective team. On the other side, there are stupid kids who try to stand out with new and new performances (or repetition of the same performance), but they have no real message (besides saying "Shut up, Orbán"), they have no intellectual political work behind them, they don't even have independent thoughts, only the They chant slogans taken from the West."

The entire article can be read HERE!

Featured image: Mandiner/Árpád Földházi