The European Union has rejected the Christian heritage, is carrying out a population exchange and is conducting an LGBTQ campaign - said the Prime Minister in his speech in Tusványosi.

According to Viktor Orbán, we are moving towards a conflict in world politics every day. He emphasized that we are in a dangerous situation in world politics, because the number one great power sees itself sinking to second place. The prime minister summarized the tasks as follows: to be sane in major world affairs, to build connections in the world economy, to fight in EU disputes, to persevere in spiritual matters, and to remain steadfast in national reunification.

We arrived here through Romanian wars, but we would rather see them as a welcoming committee -

said Viktor Orbán in his traditional speech at the Tusványos Free University on Saturday morning. The Prime Minister added: Romanian Orthodoxy is also needed in the ongoing struggle to protect Christianity.

The Romanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs came to my aid and wrote to me what I should not talk about. They advise us not to talk about things that might offend Romanian sensibilities, the prime minister said. As he said, it was suggested that he not talk about collective minority rights, but Viktor Orbán indicated that they exist and belong to Hungarians.

They say that we should not talk about non-existent Romanian administrative units. I think they meant Transylvania and Székelyföld, but we never claimed that these were territorial units of Romania

he recorded.

The Prime Minister drew attention to the fact that there is something you can talk about, but don't show it in a bad light, such as Western values.

Today, Western values ​​mean three things: migration, LGBTQ and war. They do not need to be shown in the wrong color, they are in the wrong color by themselves

he added.

It's a dangerous situation in world politics

The prime minister emphasized: we are living in a particularly dangerous period in the history of mankind, these are the years of great change. They affect every point and country on Earth. Therefore, if we want to say something valid about Hungary and Hungarians in the Carpathian Basin, it is better to talk about the world first. As he said, the balance of power in the world has shifted, and we are now suffering the serious consequences of this. The II. After World War II, there was a balance of power for eighty years. For us Hungarians, this consisted of two parts.

In the first 45 years, the Anglo-Saxons handed us over to the Soviet communists - then they were not as picky about the Russians as they are now - and in the second 33 years we lived freely, without military occupation and communists. Although this was a big change, the balance of the world was not disrupted, because we managed to get the Soviet Union out of history without a war.

- explained Viktor Orbán. But now, he continued, China has shifted the balance of the world. This is an old fear of the Western world. Even Napoleon said:

let China sleep because when it wakes up it will shake the world.

As he said, there has never been such a rapid and tectonic change in the global balance as we are living in today. China is rising differently than the US because the US has become and China is. In fact, we are talking about the return of China, which has become a production powerhouse and overtaken the United States.

The prime minister said that after the civil war, the United States grew up thinking that they were the number one country and that when this position was challenged, the USA always successfully repelled it. "For a few decades, the EU had a plan to place the euro next to the dollar," he explained, adding that the United States successfully repelled the EU's attempt to move next to it.

He said: in 2010, both the USA and the EU contributed 22-23 percent to world production, while today the EU contributes only 17 and the USA 25.

The higher your GDP, the greater your influence in the international struggle

he indicated. He also drew attention to the fact that the dominance of the USA is constantly weakening and that today's processes favor Asia.

Asia and China stand before us in full superpower attire, they have self-respect and a long-term plan. They want to end the century of humiliation. They want to regain dominance over Asia. And the universal values ​​professed by the USA are laughed at by the Chinese, said the prime minister. He added: we are moving towards a collision every day. He emphasized that we are in a dangerous situation in world politics, because the number one great power sees itself sinking to second place.

According to him, from this assessment of the situation, it should be understood that the adjustment of the new balance will not happen overnight, It will require a whole generation of time. So not only us, but also our children will live their lives in this world time and spirit of the age. We Hungarians must thrive in this spirit of the times and create national plans, he pointed out.

The European Union is suffering from anxiety

Evaluating the European Union, Viktor Orbán put it this way: people have the feeling that the EU is tormented by anxiety and feels surrounded. It is a rich and weak union that sees a world in revolt, millions leaving for Europe around it.

As he said, there was a Latin American summit in Brussels, where the most common terms in the vocabulary of Latin American leaders were: extermination of indigenous peoples, slave trade, restorative justice. This is what they are thinking. No wonder the union feels under siege.

And if we take a look at the list of countries compiled by the International Monetary Fund based on GDP, we see that Great Britain, Italy and France will also drop out of the top ten in the ranking indicated for 2030, and Germany, which is fourth today, will slip back to tenth place. According to the minister, the fear of competition is driving the union towards isolation. The EU is like an old boxing champion who shows off his medals but doesn't want to go back to the cage anymore.

This leads to seclusion into an economic, political and cultural ghetto

he pointed out.

Hungarianophobia from Ukraine

The big European companies do not want to separate and leave Russia, Viktor Orbán said. He pointed out that 70 percent of energy companies are still present in Russia, and Western companies have paid 3.5 billion dollars into the Russian budget. "The attack launched by Ukraine against the OTP is Hungarianophobia," he underlined. He drew attention to the fact that with Brexit, the balance between federalists and sovereignists in the EU was upset. "Only the Poles and the Hungarians will hold out, but there is a chance that they will become new allies," he said. The Prime Minister reminded:

the federalists openly said that they wanted a change of government in Hungary and financed the opposition with all means of political corruption.

If you read the constitutions of European countries, you can see that they focus on the self, while the Hungarian constitution focuses on the we - explained Viktor Orbán. As he said, you cannot achieve peace, family, law or freedom alone. He pointed out that common things appear as bonds in the life of the individual, while liberal constitutions were not written on the basis of bonds, but on the basis of dissolution.

We made the right decision when we created the Hungarian, national, Christian constitution in 2011

- emphasized the Prime Minister. He added: the migration crisis and the LGBTQ campaign cannot be defeated on liberal grounds.

Rejected Christian Heritage and LGBTQ Campaign

According to Viktor Orbán, our basic law lies at the bottom of the conflicts between the Union and our country. The EU rejects the Christian heritage, conducts a population exchange, and conducts an LGBTQ campaign against family-friendly nations. According to the prime minister, a political class of its own has been created in Europe, which is not accountable, and no longer has either Christian or democratic beliefs.

He also emphasized: we do not want everyone to have the same faith, live the same family life or participate in the same holidays.

However, we insist that we have a common home, a common language, a common culture and a public sphere, which must be protected at all costs. That is why we will not compromise or back down, we will insist on our rights. We will not give in to political or economic blackmail

he stated.

He said about the economic foundations of the new era: they have been building it for 13 years, which is already performing quite well. As he listed, the performance of the Hungarian economy tripled in 13 years, from HUF 27,000 to HUF 80,000 billion.

And by 2030, the goal is to have a GDP of HUF 160,000 billion.

If we look at the competitiveness of the Hungarian economy, we have doubled it in 13 years. In 2010, employment was 62 percent, today it is 77 percent, and by 2030 I want to increase it to 85 percent. Last year, 11 of our universities were at the forefront of the world. As for family support, the fertility rate increased from 1.2 to 1.5.

But in order for our population not to decrease, it should be 2.1. We are still in trouble, so all resources must be mobilized in the direction of family policy

- emphasized the Prime Minister.

As he said, we collided with two meteors in three years, first in 2020 with Covid, which we fended off, but the war in 2022 diverted us from the course. – The government is fighting to get us back on the path that will lead us to 2030. We can return to this track around July 2024 at the earliest, the Prime Minister predicted.

He indicated: we are already over the difficulty, by the end of the year inflation may be in the single digits. The Prime Minister announced that

if everything is done right, you can already talk about the plans between 2030 and 2040 at the 2024 camp in Tusványos.

To be sane in major world affairs, to build connections in the world economy, to fight in EU disputes, to persevere in intellectual matters, and to remain steadfast in national reunification - Viktor Orbán concluded his speech.

From illiberalism to migration to war - these have been Viktor Orbán's most important Tusvány ideas so far

In the past, Viktor Orbán's lectures in Tusványosi were characterized by the assessment of the current political situation, as well as the presentation of plans and challenges for the future. In 2022, after a three-year hiatus due to the coronavirus, Viktor Orbán spoke again to the audience of the Bálványosi Summer Free University. At the time, the Prime Minister emphasized that since 2019, the world has entered the decade of wars and dangers, and the pillars of Western civilization, which were believed to be unshakable, have weakened.

Prior to this, in 2019, the Prime Minister spoke about the fact that the Hungarian nation has the capabilities to defend itself, that it is on an encouraging path, and that its further development is threatened not from within, but from without.

The prime minister regularly makes political prognoses at Tusnádfürdő, which usually come true, in 2018, for example, he predicted the Russian-Ukrainian war.

Russia sees itself as an unsafe country if it is not surrounded by conflict zones. Therefore, it will seek to create buffer zones around Russia just as it has so far. Ukraine is one of the victims of this, said Viktor Orbán five years ago.

Hungarian Nation

Featured image: MTI/Prime Minister's Press Office/Benko Vivien Cher