According to some information, EU funds due to Poland and our country have already been handed over to Ukraine by Brussels. According to Tamás Deutsch, this is because war psychosis still reigns in Brussels, there is no talk of peace.

The Hungarians have already stated it several times, but tens of millions across Europe also think the same way: they do not want to build migrant ghettos and forcibly accept migrants, as Brussels is planning, said Tamás Deutsch, a member of the European Parliament of Fidesz, in an interview with Magyar Nemzet.

- No matter what they do in Brussels, we will not let them impose on us any compulsory migrant quota accepted in a coup, and we also reject the obligation to build migrant ghettos and camps - Tamás Deutsch reacted to the events taking place on the EU political scene.

The member of the European Parliament of Fidesz recalled that the Hungarian citizens were among the first to say: they do not ask for illegal migration, they do not ask for burning cars, broken shop windows and no-go zones.

This has been confirmed several times, and tens of millions across Europe think the same way.

»Now we can see crystal clear that the ideology of multiculturalism in the western half of Europe has completely collapsed, and the Willkommenskultur, the practice that pampers migrants and gives green light to illegal migration, has near-catastrophic consequences. In fact, there is already a migrant revolt taking place in France," declared the politician from the ruling party, and then emphasized that the illegal migrants they let in are now an unbearable burden for Western countries.

"That's why they have now invented that, in the name of solidarity, they will force the problem of the illegal migrants they let in on the necks of the Central and Eastern European countries. Of course..." Tamás Deutsch waved sarcastically.

The Brussels proposal itself is otherwise undeveloped in many places and gives the impression that the people of Brussels have not thought through how their ideas should be implemented.

Many people also raised the possibility in the European Parliament that the possibly resettled migrants would escape back to the country from which they were taken against their will - mostly to Western European countries. When the politicians asked in Brussels how the European Commission intends to handle this, and how the member states should handle it, they received only empty side conversations.

"The entire Brussels proposal is a totally unviable, disgraceful and inhumane idea... Let's not forget that years ago György Soros formulated ideas eerily similar to the current mandatory migrant votes in Brussels, several points of the Soros plan appear almost without changes in the draft of the new European migration regulations," pointed out the Fidesz member of the European Parliament.

Deutsch believes that there is nothing surprising in the position of Prime Minister Viktor Orbán regarding migration, since the ruling parties have been saying from the beginning that illegal migration should not be managed, but stopped.

"In addition, we Hungarians have been defenders of Europe for years, last year the number of illegal migrants that our country stopped at the Serbian-Hungarian border exceeded a quarter of a million, while in the past half a decade we have prevented the entry of one million migrants intending to enter Europe illegally. Now is the time for Brussels to finally support, rather than hinder, the border protection efforts of the member states," stated Tamás Deutsch .

He emphasized that the government and its representatives will find the political and legal instruments in connection with which the disastrous Brussels decisions regarding migrants will not have to be implemented.

The other most controversial topic on the EU scene is that the EU wants to pour more money into Ukraine than previously indicated, and for this, on the one hand, it is asking for more payments from the member states, and on the other hand, Brussels expects the same from those countries that have not even seen a forint from the resources due to them.

According to some information, the Polish and Hungarian sources have already been handed over to Ukraine. According to Tamás Deutsch, the formula is very simple: war psychosis still reigns in Brussels, there is no talk of peace. As he put it:

"So far, the European Commission has come up with the idea of ​​extra support for Ukraine of several billions every week. Recently, a new hair-raising proposal has been put forward, based on which - in addition to the additional EUR 50 billion proposed for Ukraine in the seven-year EU budget, in addition to the additional payment of EUR 100 billion by the member states - the European Union would spend an additional EUR 20 billion on arms shipments to Ukraine over the next four years, of which our country would have to pay EUR 200 million. All this while Hungary, Poland and three other member states have so far not received a single euro cent from the resources of the recovery fund, while the European Commission cannot account for the exact amount of money it has already provided to Ukraine".

He added that neither the 500 million euros blocked until now, nor the 20 billion euros invented now will be discussed until the OTP is removed from the Ukrainian list of international sponsors of the war.

Hungarian Nation