Many times, howlers of the opposition force us to do the impossible and figure out why they are talking such stupid things? Mystery! Or it isn't. It is only worth considering several versions.

Here is the accusation brought forward again recently, according to which the Hungarian government's population policy steps are unsuccessful, no matter how much money is spent on it, no matter how many discounts they try to encourage childbearing, they failed to achieve the 2.1 reproduction rate necessary to stop the population decline. Haha and lol!

It's true, it hasn't worked yet. Of course, it was raised from 1.23 to 1.56, but this is still only sufficient to slow down weight loss. This is also a fact.

But it is also a fact that a child is not a tomato seed, which, once planted, can yield a rich harvest after just one year. Anyone who doesn't understand this either missed the biology classes in which the laws of reproduction were taught, or they are deliberately misrepresenting it for nefarious reasons (let's kick the government, let's mislead those who think little with apparent truths). In the former case, a little class repetition would not hurt, and in the latter case, the delinquents should be advised about the field of political lying.

True, there is a third possibility, not entirely unrelated to the previous ones: the ladies and gentlemen making such statements have not learned to count. However, in this case it would be necessary.

Let's use a model that works with small numbers that can be understood even by representatives with dyscalculia. Let's take ten mothers who want to have children and assume (which is not common) that each of them will give birth to 3 children, without missing a single year. Have they been able to follow you so far? So ten mothers give birth to 30 children in 3 years. Let's assume that all of them are girls, which of course is almost impossible, but so be it.

Let's also assume that the 30 girls who were born become mothers at the age of 20 and, exactly like their mothers, give birth to 3 children. (Let's ignore the fact that they are not the same age, since they were not born at the same time, but one year apart.) Well, opposition children, how much is that? 90 babies. We still haven't reached the hundred, above which we can say that we are not losing weight, but growing. It will take at least 20 more years to achieve the desired goal (if everything continues as it is)!

20 plus 20 is 40, which of course is not a politically correct number, because mathematics is certainly racist, but that's okay, according to the opposition, we are racist anyway, so we rightly use the traditional approach.

Now, during the first Orbán government, there were some support solutions that encouraged having children and starting a family, but in a single year, the socialist government trampled them into the mud, rammed them into the ground, swept them away and made sure to create an environment that was specifically anti-family and anti-child, where having children is equal changed by accepting poverty. The result was the already mentioned low point, the birth rate of 1.23.

When did the wind turn? Theoretically, from 2010, but in the first two years, the second Orbán government had to focus on eliminating the damage caused by the previous administration and somehow pull the country back from the edge of the abyss. Intensive family support could only begin after recovery from bankruptcy, i.e. not much more than 10 years ago. The children of the first families already helped by the incentives (the first!) were born only after this. In the best case, they are now 10 years old!

So what do you like to fight about? Where is this age from the 20 years mentioned in our example? Well, from 40? Not to mention that our calculations were based on an ideal situation that almost certainly cannot exist, and we did not take into account that, unfortunately, people are not only born, but also die...

Of course you know all this too, opposition chicks! We cannot assume that your electorate sent all auxiliary schoolchildren to the Parliament (apart from a few exceptions) or elected them as leaders of local governments (there is an exception in Budapest, the Magyar Biden). And if you are sensible people, and yet you talked like this about family allowances, then I am forced to think of you as sensible scoundrels. Of course, you have become supporters of LGBTQakármi, because children are not born among them, despite the fact that the European Parliament decided that men can give birth too. And if they are not born, you can scream to the world that the Christian-conservative government is "wasting" taxpayers' money on senseless family support systems.

Well, just continue this vile game, it's been very successful so far. The conservative side has won elections only four times in a row, so there are seven or eight more elections to spare, which they could lose. And then we really reach the age of 40, when the birth rate can increase to 2.1.

What will you say then? Yes, maybe then you have nothing.

Author: György Tóth Jr

Photo: MTVA/Commissioner: Tibor Oláh