Students who demonstrated against the sexualization of children were abused.

Students from an American Catholic activist group protested against LGBTQ propaganda in front of the Art Institute of Chicago, holding signs such as

"Stop promoting the LGBTQ lifestyle to children!"

The demonstration elicited mixed reactions from passers-by, as evidenced by the published video.

“I'm very supportive of what you guys are standing for here,” one woman said. Another man walking his dog called the students "hateful bigots".

Others disrupted some of the students praying the rosary. Later in the day, a red-haired woman returned to the scene with a spray paint sprayer and blew off the students' signs when they tried to distract her. During the fight, he blew up several students and a teacher, then left before the police arrived.

Rex Teodosio, head of the Catholic group, said the spray paint hit him in the face and his eyes burned for hours. It's not a pleasant thing to spray paint on a person's face, noted Teodosio, who said the action was "worth it" anyway, since they are building a culture that protects the innocence of children.