I was already waiting for the non-existent minister of the invisible government hiding in the shadows to blurt something out, and lo and behold, patience produces a rose, or rather a DK announcement. But what else! It's there like nothing else!

The party of soaring fantasy, wishful thinking and lust for power is not so poor that it does not promise and demand everything. What's in it for them?

And then the promise is like the code of the pirates of the Caribbean, it's not really mandatory, just a kind of guideline.

And it can be handled in a very creative way:

I say it slowly so that everyone understands, there will be no gas lift. Then it turned out that the sentence sounded correctly like this: I say it slowly so that everyone understands that there will be a gas increase. Or you can promise not to raise the VAT, and then some miracle, divine decree or commandment raises it anyway. One can envision a speeding Pannonian cougar, talk about economic Canaan, while the cougar becomes a scathing ethical snake, and economic successes navigate the country to the brink of bankruptcy.

Oh, and to explain the forced admission of lies (remember, this did not happen in public, but in principle at a closed event) as telling the truth. And, of course, it is only a matter of interpretation that the brutal and illegal police violence was actually legal and professionally impeccable law enforcement, which only required shooting out a few eyes, torturing, imprisoning, and destroying a few hundred innocents (to quote Sándor Fábry's sentence about communism, somewhat paraphrased).

Now Comrade Varju, Shadow Mi(ni)szter produced a miracle

In his shocking announcement (though he was originally an electrician), he pushes into our picture (because he was also a scion in the uranium mine) that "according to leaked information" the Orbán government is preparing for a drastic increase in water rates. Well maybe, although I didn't know until now

that Christmas is just a cover name and we should understand Orbán by it.

If the government is preparing for an increase, we don't know about it yet, not a single word has been said about it. What we know for sure, however, is that the promise of a water fee increase has already flowed out of the mouth of the alias (but his real alias is the Mayor). It didn't leak, it poured!

Now, with feverish impatience, I am researching Varju's indignant post, in which he condemns the announcement of Gergely Karácsony, but according to the signs, my eyes may be bad, because I have not read such a thing anywhere. I must be inattentive, as such a wonderful, socially hypersensitive fellow certainly did not fail to object to it. If he was so hung up on a leak, he had to notice the flood as well.

I love this leftist, libsian use of words. Perfect. Any lie is unassailable if we don't declare it, we are referring to "just" a suspicious leak.

Or "according to the news". Netán: "They say that". If we were to try this smearing and obfuscation, they would immediately discredit us, but if they do it, it is not a lie, but an "unconfirmed truth". Professional work, let's not deny it.

Of course, Mr. Varju is a faithful servant of his party, even when he sits in the shadow chair of their Shadow Government. And he repeats their slogan: Orbán inflation.

What was it like during the time of Brother Ferenc? I didn't hear Gyurcsányi being mentioned.

The overhead reduction is called an overhead increase - so what was the overhead in Fletó's time? What happened to gas, electricity, taxes? Perhaps they have decreased, dear Comrade Varju? In his soaring imagination, perhaps, although being an engineer he shouldn't have such a big problem with numbers.

This is a broken attempt, comrade Varju, he cannot undermine the credit of the government with such deliberate announcements (he was also a miner when he was a miner). Or does he think that the snarky text of a husband caught cheating on his wife can also work for us:

Honey, trust me, not your eyes!

Well, please, just continue the war as before. Because it has come in handy several times. By two thirds - just not for you. Let it stay this way.

Author: Jr. György Tóth

Featured image: HírTv screenshot