Kata Tüttő spoke up: in addition to the water fee increase, the population of Budapest will also have to face additional difficulties.

Deputy Mayor Kata Tüttő was a guest of Klikk TV's Mélyvíz program, who also talked about next year's local government elections, the meter-high weeds, and the increase in water fees.

Explaining the latter's plans, Gergely Karácsony's deputy suddenly spoke up, saying: the losses of the Capital Water Works are so great that they should be taken away from traffic, street lighting, and mowing.

Kata Tüttő put it this way: ten years ago, the government fixed the price for which the economic actors have to give drinking water. It was a normal price ten years ago, but nothing has changed since then, only the costs. Water extraction and the delivery of water via pipes are not cheap. As he said, they agree that the population should receive water at a subsidized price.

According to him, the situation is different with business companies, since profit is generated there, but the loss remains with the public.

"The loss here remains twofold. On the one hand, there is such a financial loss that the electricity bill is sometimes not even covered by the fee we collect, for example, from gas stations for drinking water. That's why it should be put there from the common tax forints, shouldn't it be taken from transport, public lighting, and mowing," explained the vice president of the MSZP.

Hungarian Nation