For almost a month, the harvest wreath made of about a thousand straws was woven in Hajdúnánás, which was placed in a ceremonial setting on Monday in the Szent István Basilica in Budapest. The wreath symbolizes the unity of Hungarian farmers and the unity of Hungarians in the world.


Since 2018, the traditional and prominent element of the Magyarok Kenyere program is the weaving of a monumental harvest wreath, symbolizing the unity of Hungarian farmers, which is made from the harvested fresh wheat stalks after the harvest - NAK Magyarok Kenyere Nonprofit Közhhasznú Kft. informed MTI.

This year's harvest wreath, which is about 160 centimeters wide and 200 centimeters in circumference, is presented by István Jakab, the Vice-President of the Parliament, the President of the Association of Hungarian Farmers' Associations and Farmers' Cooperatives (Magosz); Tibor Szólláth, national vice-president of the National Chamber of Agricultural Economy (NAK); Ildikó Nagén Legény, president of the Magosz Housewife section; Industrial artist Sándorné Nagy; Sándorné Bata and Lászlóné Gábor Pongor, straw weavers from Hajdúnáná; Mária Berencsi, group leader of the local peculiarities workshop; and Vivien Horváth, project manager of the Bread of Magyars - 15 million grains of wheat program, presented it in the Szent István Basilica.

"With the harvest wreath, we express our thanks to the Hungarian farmers, who took the risks and fought for the harvest this year," said István Jakab.

The harvest wreath was received by the newly appointed assistant parish priest of St. Stephen's Basilica, Father Zoltán Kovács,

who prayed for God's blessing on the farmers, mills, bakers and women, and after the prayer said a blessing on the harvest wreath, which can be seen in the sanctuary of the Basilica until the end of October, and also in the Holy Right Procession on August 20.

The harvest wreath is decorated with curlers, rain snails, bells, double braids, spirals, and ears of corn. Its main component is the "Eye of God", which is an expression of completeness, unity, harmony, as well as God's providential protection. The seventeen elements show the number of endurance and symbolize compassion, responsibility, spiritual awareness, wisdom, and carry the message of overcoming difficulties.


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