The eight-day Cluj-Napoca Hungarian Days (KMN), which starts on Saturday and lasts for eight days, is also waiting for its audience in Farkas utca, which has been almost completely, approximately 80-90 percent, renovated, opening new locations and offering more than 500 programs, the organizers announced at their press conference held on Tuesday morning.

The main organizer of the series of events, which will now be held for the 14th time, and the president of the Kincses Cluj-Napoca Association, Gergely Balázs, said at the event held in the Bulgakov café that this year the Hungarian Days in Cluj-Napoca are also based around the theme of "our street", which refers to the fact that the treasured renovation of one of the city's most emblematic streets, so the public will be waiting there with the usual programs, fair, children's activities, and museum presentations in previous years.

The powerful symbolism of Farkas utca "The symbolism of Farkas utca, named Via Sacra by Cs. László Szabó, is strong, as there are two churches - the Reformed and the Roman Catholic - at both ends, and there are three emblematic schools on the street, but the also operating here archives, libraries represent science. The essence of KMN can be condensed into Farkas Street"

Balázs Gergely said. He also explained that the number 14 not only refers to the fact that time has passed since the first event, but also to the fact that the age of 14 is important in the life of the Reformed because of confirmation: this is when the young person becomes an adult in the church.

This message is about responsibility, which applies not only to the organizers, but also to the participating and visiting public of the treasured city. We have to look more and more within ourselves, find the points where we can take responsibility for the future together. The Hungarian community here was the builder and founder of Cluj, and it is our responsibility to contribute in a creative way to ensure that the city bears the imprint of the hand of the Hungarian community in the future."

Balázs Gergely pointed out.

On August 12th and 13th, the KMN offers programs to those interested, they will open the exhibition compiled from the fine arts legacy of the literary historian Lajos Kántor, and hand over the beautifully renovated medieval Herepei House (former Farkas utca parish), which will be the new location of the Hungarian days: the IKE (Youth Christian Association) organizes events there.

"It gives me pleasure that we can hand over a renovated monument every year. The Herepei House will be handed over in the context of a Reformed service"

was said.

Two more exhibitions will open this weekend, and then the real cavalcade of programs will begin on Monday, as part of the opening gala, Franz Liszt Prize-winning violinist Katica Illényi will perform accompanied by the orchestra of the Hungarian Opera in Cluj. The organizers drew the attention of those interested to arrive at the concert on time, as well as to the fact that all programs during the KMN are free, except for theater and puppet theater performances.

The municipality supported the Hungarian Days in Cluj with 630,000 lei Emese Oláh, deputy mayor of Cluj-Napoca emphasized at the press conference on Tuesday that the partnership between the mayor's office and the KMN organizing team is very good, the municipal government supported the event series with 630,000 lei this year.

The foreman also informed about the street closures, as he explained, everyone would have liked to see the completion of the renovation works in Egyeteme utca, located in the immediate vicinity of Farkas utca, and if the Mary column could have been restored there during the Hungarian days, but this has not happened yet.

The entire article can be read on Krónika Online!

The detailed program of the Cluj Hungarian Days and other information can be found on the festival's website.

Featured image: Krónika Online/Lóránd Vakarcs