The former SZDSZ member of parliament and the founder of the Hungarian Helsinki Committee recently expressed his opinion in an interview, among other things, that in the case of pedophiles, public exposure and prosecution should be avoided.

Ferenc Kőszeg also answered questions about pedophilia in his life journey interview for Partizán.

"In response to the presenter's question, Ferenc Kőszeg spoke about the fact that the emotional relationships interwoven with eroticism between adults and children are very broad, and the strictness of criminal law only harms the matter. He indicated that he himself does not approve, but there were quite a lot of sexual relations between students and teachers, but it did not become a case, there was no violence, he himself knows of a case where the librarian of a high school in Budapest had an affair with a 16-year-old girl, who had already grandmother and did not notice that she was traumatized. He believed that there are so many different objectionable relationships that he would be very careful about disclosing them," wrote, summarizing what was said in the interview.

The portal added : "(Kőszeg) As a personal example, he said that a pedophile teacher at his son's former school regularly attacked the boys, and he advised his child not to let himself go, but "not to continue this". He explained this by saying that although it is far from him to approve of pedophilia in any way, but

in his opinion, if possible, public exposure and impeachment should be avoided, because that would make things worse."

The Hungarian Helsinki Committee called the views expressed in the interview with Kőszeg completely unacceptable.

Ferenc Kőszeg previously also worked as a member of parliament as a politician of the liberal party SZDSZ, which has since ceased to exist, and he is one of the founders of the Hungarian Helsinki Committee. Of the organization that has now distanced itself from him.

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