The European Commission announced an interesting initiative to say the least: it registers the civil initiative aimed at preserving Ukrainian culture - in the EU member states! The case is given a special light by the fact that not so long ago the same EC swept the Minority SafePack minority protection initiative off the table like a draft.

On Wednesday, the EC decided to register European citizens' initiative called Preservation and development of Ukrainian culture, education, language and traditions in the EU member states,

The aim of the initiative is to bridge cultural gaps and strengthen the Ukrainian cultural and linguistic heritage in the EU community, strengthen the sense of belonging and promote the integration of Ukrainian refugees.

"By recognizing and accepting linguistic diversity and cultural identity and creating a pan-European structure of integration centers, a more inclusive and harmonious Europe could be created"

- is stated on the website of the organizers of the initiative.

Since the European Citizens' Initiative meets the formal requirements, the Brussels panel deemed it legally acceptable. The content of the proposal has not yet been examined by the EU committee at this stage.

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The European citizens' initiative must not fall outside the competence of the committee to submit a proposal for an EU legal act, it cannot be obviously abusive, frivolous or harassing, and it cannot be contrary to the values ​​of the European Union.

Starting from Wednesday's registration, the organizers have six months to start collecting signatures. If the European citizens' initiative receives one million statements of support from at least seven different Member States in one year, the European Commission must react. The Brussels body decides whether or not to take action in response to the initiative and must give reasons for its decision.

Since the establishment of the institution of the European citizens' initiative, the Commission has received 128 applications for registration, of which 103 met the required conditions.

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Civilians. Info/MTI

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