We search for answers to various questions about the present and future of the European Union every day, of course in vain, because anyone who claims to know the future for sure is not telling the truth. Economist Imre Boros has been and is being asked many times, in many different ways, how he assesses the situation of the community, but perhaps he has never been asked the question:

When will the European Union fall apart? Because it is certain that it is economically on the floor.

It cannot be disputed that the European Union has moved very far from the original goals of the founders. The original goals really created cohesion (a cohesive force) between the countries concerned, but what is happening now is heading towards disintegration, at least in this form. It has not yet been definitively decided whether it will fall apart or possibly be reorganized. For now, disintegration is more likely than the birth of a new cohesion. Much depends on next year's European Parliament elections, where, if a slight patriotic majority comes together, there may be hope. I don't say that he is right-wing, because right and left have no meaning in my interpretation today. The parties labeled as right-wing are just as globalist as the left and the green and all other such groups.

You have been saying this for a long time, and more and more people are using the term globalist for parties that were once called left-wing or liberal. Unfortunately, it cannot be disputed that even among the so-called right-wing or populist formations, there are plenty of those whose program and mentality classify them as globalists.

The kind of left that once existed, and which historically primarily fought for the protection of employee interests within a national framework, is long gone.

Markets have become globalized, and consequently the parties have two options. Either to side with the interests of globalism, or to side with the system operating within the national framework.

This is clearly visible in Germany, for example, where both the CDU and the CSU are now more globalist. Christianity is still there in its name, but it is not visible in its practice. I thought it was over, there would be no change for the Germans, but it seems that something is happening. The so-called AfD (Alternative for Germany) party, which was founded 10 years ago and was called exclusionary, Nazi, and anti-European, came to the fore, as we already know from Hungarian practice. The AfD has gone through several transformations over the years and has now clearly formulated its creed regarding the union. The globalists - just as the domestic globalists claim about the Hungarian government parties - accuse them of wanting to destroy the Union. On the other hand, they believe that it should be restored to its original state, that is, an equal alliance of the participating nations. The Hungarian patriot page also represents this. We don't want to quit either.

Yet more and more people are asking, what is the point of belonging to a company that is hostile to us?

Yes, many of my acquaintances ask about this, but it is not yet time to think about it. It wouldn't be good if we got to that point, because the membership, it cannot be denied, had many advantages, and it still has them today. We have been an EU member country for almost 20 years and have experienced the benefits. Not only because of the money, but there are travel opportunities, versatile knowledge acquisition, employment, and the arrival of capital investors, so there were advantages. At the same time

it is also true that today it can be said that in this form the disadvantages have slowly become predominant. The only question is whether this process can be reversed or not.

It is a ray of hope that there are forces that have moved in the desired direction. We'll see what happens. This cannot be solved without the big countries - and here I am primarily thinking of Germany, because it is the engine of the whole thing - but we stand by those who would move the matter in this direction.

I am not an expert on the Union or European political and economic functioning, but as a simple citizen, what I experience every day does not fill me with hope. I am not hopeful that we will get the money that is due to us but withheld, but I am not very hopeful that the leadership of the Union will unexpectedly become decent. But not even in the fact that they would ever give straight answers to legitimate questions. An example of this is that when Viktor Orbán inquired about the whereabouts of the Union's money distributed over 7 years, but which disappeared in barely 3 years, Ursula von der Leyen cynically replied: The financial operation of the European Union is transparent. This is the answer, take it easy.

Ursula can say nice things, Ferenc Gyurcsány did the same at the time. He even admitted that they could only stay in government with hundreds of tricks, and it's better if the party members don't know where the money came from. We know these answers, Ursula's is also like this, it is no different from the text of the Hungarian globalist site. This is our (the leaders of the Union) business, one could say the business of the EU Cosa Nostra, you don't need to know about it. This is a huge mistake, which will hopefully have consequences. As for

whether or not we get our money, I don't think we will get it from this committee.

However, the seven-year financing period lasts until 2027, and next year there will be European Parliament elections. A new committee will be formed, and it will be a watershed as to whether or not it will be possible to start a healthy reorganization process with that committee and the new parliament. Then we reach a situation requiring a decision, the time for which is not yet here. Of course, we get angry, we are offended, it is infuriating that we are at a disadvantage, that we are treated unworthy. That's right, let's not argue about that, but

the question is whether we want to punish ourselves or not?

The Hungarian globalists are also slandering what the luminaries of the Union do, partly by imposing sanctions against Russia and partly by forcing the dark green philosophy: we must get rid of fossil energy sources, all energy should be so-called renewable.

We are where the coast breaks. Just an example. Households and businesses also started solar-based energy production and what happened? The grid is unable to absorb the generated energy. Why? Because they sold the entire system to Western investors, who did not invest the pocketed profits back into network development, but took them away from us. Something has to be done about the backlog, so the current government has to reach deep into its pockets, spending huge amounts of money on network development for a long time. Then

this political gangster team, political marketing brigade, essentially talks about nothing other than depriving Hungary of its energy independence for good.

For example, they attack the expansion of Paks with steam power, saying that the Russians should be expelled from here. It doesn't matter to them that Rosatom is the biggest player in the field of nuclear reactors, so it far beats, for example, the American Westinghouse in terms of quality and quantity. Not to mention that Paks I is also based on a Russian base, with which there were no problems for decades. There were minor expansions and capacity increases, then it didn't hurt anyone. Now they want us to switch to another horse for someone's sake. We would proceed in the same way as when we switched from the MIG base to the Gripen. MÍG pilots became redundant and they had to be retrained for HUF 10, 20, 30 billion. It wasn't a brilliant idea either, although it was legal, since we became a NATO member. But the latter was a forced change, the former would be stupid.

If we have already talked about the behavior of the European Union for the sake of energy, we cannot go without mentioning the scattering of money. In fact, they would expect additional payments, which indicates that the money has disappeared from the coffers. The suspicion is by no means justified, and the Prime Minister also suspects that the billions of euros have flowed into Ukraine's bottomless bag, otherwise it is impossible that the 7-year budget was exhausted in two and a half years.

The European Union plans a budget for 7 years, and they tell you how much the budget will be 7 years in advance. I'll just give you a number, let's say one thousand five hundred billion euros. This is broken down into an annual budget based on how much payment is expected from the given countries, how much will come from customs, etc., and what can be met for the development plans that the Union accepts in advance. Normally, things have a pretty nice, clear schedule, but it seems that the Union's chariot has dodged this blow, and well. We know a thing or two. We know, for example, that funds were diverted to arming the Ukrainians, but all of this was not brought forward in a public, transparent manner to any EU body or the Council of Heads of Government and Heads of State.

Viktor Orbán therefore rightly asks where the money is.

He lives by his right, as he is a member of the premier body governing the European Union, the Council of Prime Ministers and Heads of State. This main EU body, the European Parliament, is just a meeting like a club afternoon, as far as the functions of power are concerned. In principle, power rests with the Council, of which the Hungarian Prime Minister is one of its representatives. By the way, it's not just him, other people are also asking where the money is, let them account for it.

Such a question arose even before the Russian-Ukrainian war, in connection with the purchase of vaccines.

Just remember that the so-called common vaccine procurement could be arranged with a few SMS messages, which cost the EU 36 billion. This amount is roughly equal to the 7-year resource due to Hungary. However, the exchange of messages and text messages carried out in the case are nowhere to be found. That's fine, right? If they want to find me with something, even if I delete the messages from my phone, even if I throw away the device, the service provider's obligation exists in every country, for security reasons, it must keep the messages for years.

If they are not found, the hands above the state power will surely make sure that they are not found.

This good woman, von der Leyen, has supporters at a very high level and since she is such a valuable person, these "little bucks" are forgiven for her. However, this makes him blackmailable, he does what he is told. And lo and behold, his name came up as the possible next Secretary General of NATO.

There is no other person on earth as valuable as von der Leyen. It's pretty stupid anyway.

If I remember correctly, he was also the German Minister of War.

He also had a small amount of money there, up to 200 million euros, which also disappeared and there was no cell information, so he has already tested that cell information is a disappearing act.

He must have been a very good specialist, because it had recently become clear that the great German army was incapable of defending Germany.

I can't say no to that. Now, after all this, they want to make him the Secretary General of NATO, which is not a harmless thing. The Secretary General of NATO is a major influencing factor in the movement of NATO-compatible units serving in the alliances of member countries. This is very much needed now, especially if certain circles manage to widen the Russian-Ukrainian war. And Ursula von der Leyen, as we have already talked about, is a perfect servant, one might say subordinate to these circles. Not for anything else, not for his expertise, but for that reason he is suitable for the post.

Finally, let's turn to our domestic affairs. András Schiffer, who cannot be accused of being pro-government, recently proposed that if the Union does not pay, then we should not pay the Union either.

In theory, we could do it, technically there would be no obstacles. We don't refer and that's it. With this, we released our poison. Except

this would provide an almost definitive argument for not paying us at all.

It is much smarter, and one can rightly hope for this, that a next parliament, if the line-up is different, which is very likely, and a committee with a different composition will deal with this matter on its merits. The Brusselsites and the globalists are very afraid of this, which is why they launched a frontal attack against the successive Hungarian and Polish presidencies, which are due in the first and second semesters of 2024. The elections will be held in the first semester, followed by the Hungarian presidency in the second. When the new EP is formed, the new European Commission is formed and its president is elected. The consecutive presidency, on the other hand, means that the given country can thematize EU topics, and what the consecutive presidency dictates cannot be simply swept off the table. That is why they are trying to change the established order of the successive presidency itself, and it is a great pain to them that they have no possibility to do so. Such a change would have to be approved by the European Council, but there a unanimous decision is needed, and the Hungarians and the Poles would not agree to this. In other words, based on the current rules, we will fill the consecutive presidency, and at the best time for us.

Unfortunately, there has already been more than one example of Brussels breaking its own rules in order to take action against the Christian-conservative Hungarian government. There was the Sargentini report, which was accepted by ignoring those present at the polls as if they were not there. There is also a procedure under Article 7, even though the charges on the basis of which it was initiated are a collection of lies...

So what? Did the Hungarian standard of living fall because of the Sargentini report? Feel free to apply, of course it's not him now, but there are always applicants. Who cares? The procedure under Article 7 is good for annoying us, but for nothing else. Only the withholding of money has an effect, but in the end we have somehow managed to get through it and in the longer term we should get it, but

someone will have to be responsible for the secatura.

As for money, well, here is the more than 4 billion foreign aid to the Hungarian globalists, and Gergely Karácsony's invisible boxes with 500 million forints, pounds and euros.

We know that both the 4 billion and the 500 million came in order for the Hungarian globalists to take over power in the parliamentary elections. Some of the foreigners who paid this money do not like the current Hungarian democratic government. It's their problem. As for the 500 million separately, it is even more significant than that. It is cash, mostly foreign money, that was paid into the account by a single person. Here's the chick. If such a large amount is involved, their origin should be proven. The bank would be obliged to account for this. Why didn't it happen that way? This is the big question here, and from then on, the matter raises the suspicion of a crime.

It is not easy to understand how they dared to do this.

So that we are still not a country of consequences. They can also look at everyone as a bird, they can invent such an absurdity that this enormous amount was raised from micro-donations, because they believe that no one will kick their ankles. I really hope that this time it will not happen like this and that there will indeed be criminal consequences for the case, because if this were not done now, I would do everything that the laws prohibit without batting an eye in the future. And this is unacceptable.

Author: György Tóth Jr

Photo: civilek.info