Domestic feminists were terrified of the IV. Regarding the news of the Budapest Demographic Summit: "do they see us as farm animals? out of my womb!!!” screamed from the corners of the internet. - Francesca Rivafinoli began her article on the Vasá portal.

It's always exciting to see how fiercely some fellow women are able to express their innermost desires on such occasions. It is difficult to explain to anyone else why a woman of childbearing age immediately associates the words "demography" and "family" with the fact that she personally should give birth immediately - for my part, I do not feel this kind of oppressive compulsion at all from Mike Pence stepping up to the microphone in the Várkert Bazaar .

Of course, in this case, the explanation usually comes that "this is the warm-up, see, abortion will be banned as the next step" , but this is a kind of permanent terror, which is only good for women's rights activists to stress out their best years.

The Patent Association, for example, already confirmed in its March 2011 press statement that abortion restrictions will come after the adoption of the basic law, but from the perspective of a decade, it seems strongly that they were wrong. Just as in 2014, it turned out to be a hoax that the president of the Constitutional Court will now ban abortion for good - he did not ban it.

All feminists can breathe a sigh of relief: approximately ten thousand female fetuses are still legally aborted each year (that is, 27 per day).

Perhaps there would have been a second Marie Curie, another Katalin Karikó or another Paralympic, world and European champion Illés Fanni, but unfortunately we will never know.

It's true, the feminists' problem is not so much that Mike Pence steps up to the microphone, but that he even speaks here in Hungary, while in the more European states of Western Europe, such conservatives are "certainly on the banned list". This is nailed down by an influencer who, a few days earlier, on the Pride stage in Pécs, proclaimed the importance of accepting and even celebrating diversity, urging the participants to be brave enough to stand up for others. Then, when a conservative who thinks differently stands up for unborn fetuses, the same progressive feminist is disrespectful as to why such a pro-lifer can open his mouth freely. At a demographic conference.

You can read the full text of Francesca Rivafinoli's instructive thoughts here