Saint Stephen is the common denominator of Hungarians, we carry it within us, he has become a part of us, King Stephen is here with us - emphasized the President of the Republic Katalin Novák in his celebratory speech on August 20 in Esztergom.

The President of the Republic emphasized that St. István, by founding Christian Hungary, by making a conscious decision to make our country a part of the Western world, not only marked the path we should follow, but also gained an indisputable place in our lives.

Katalin Novák added: King István is with us on weekdays and holidays, in our schools, public spaces, churches, hospitals, in poems, novels, films and rock operas from here and beyond.

"We bow to him on our national holiday, we thank him for his courage, faith, wisdom and humility. Saint István is the common denominator of Hungarians. It is in us that it stands above us, it is behind us that it walks in front of us"

he pointed out.

Katalin Novák emphasized that August 20 is neither a dusty tradition nor a modern party.

"August 20 is a holiday in the fullest sense of the word. A holiday that reminds us of our past again and again, and fills our future with hope year after year. In such cases, the unimportant is pushed into the background, and the truly important comes to the fore. We have a chance to experience a depth and rise to a height where we can experience the self-evident togetherness of the Hungarian nation"

said the head of state.


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