Yes, this is the birthday of our Christian country, which of course we know is not as big a holiday for you as, say, Pride or the Sziget Festival, but try to accept that our national heritage is important to us, because this Christian Hungary has existed for a thousand years, which is a big thing and we want to remember it with pleasure every year.  Written by Both Hunor.

How is it that the left tries to prevent or make impossible every project and holiday important to the nation? I wonder why it hurts them when people with national sentiments come together for a sporting event or perhaps want to celebrate? Why can't they enjoy our national holidays with us?

It is a great truth that "He who is mean to people is unfit for Hungarians." What the leftists think about Hungarian memorial days is clearly shown by the hysteria that every year precedes the day of the founding of the state, the feast day of King St. István.

Gergely Karácsony, the mayor of the capital, which hosts the event, called fireworks a harmful passion in his Facebook post, which we should get used to. Then he also wrote about why we spend on this thing in such "tight times" as part of the usual chatter. In spite of the fact that other world cities, such as London, New York or Paris, which are endlessly criticized by liberals, also hold fireworks every year. Of course, those are progressive, cheap and advanced western fireworks. Not like the Hungarians from Mucsa, who are wasteful and polluting the environment. In 444, a few days before, a satirical article about this year's celebration was published with the title "On the floating flower carpet of Bengal fires, we commend Hungary to the grace of the Virgin Mary". And HVG ponders why the celebration costs so much.

That is, the old note. Karácsony regrets the public money for the worthy commemoration of our national holiday.

That's why even Anna Donáth spoke up. In connection with this, it is perhaps worth recalling that why does the expensive city manager not feel sorry for public money? For example, he did not regret squandering the financial reserve of more than 200 billion, which he inherited from the capital led by István Tarlós.

But he was not so frugal either when he almost doubled the personal expenses of the Capital City Municipality, i.e. the wages of its people: from 242 million to 435 million. That more than 40 consultants help with this "great" work, whose wages cost taxpayers HUF 406 million in one year alone. There is no problem with that, of course.

But not only in the ranks of the local government, the salary of the buddies increased, but also in the companies under the Capital City Municipality. According to the article of the Firewall Group, BKV spends HUF 10 billion more on personnel costs than in the Tarlós era, but the situation is similar at BKK. In fact, at the latter company, subordinates were even treated to a HUF 200,000 overhead subsidy.

Let's just imagine for a moment if this had happened, say, at the Prime Minister's Office or the Prime Minister's Cabinet Office. How many outraged left-liberal articles have we read on the subject? Certainly not a little. Unfortunately, HVG forgot to report on the Christmas subordinates bathed in milk and butter, and their total costs, and is only horrified by the price of the fireworks.

And, of course, capital bankruptcy here, minus 90 billion there, the Karácsonys also got HUF 133 million to make life difficult not only for motorists, but also for ambulances, firefighters and taxi drivers, with the totally unnecessary, fenced with stakes, so-called protected bicycle paths.

While Karácsony and his deputy are talking about bleeding the government and threatening to stop public transport, an article by the Tűzfal group revealed that an additional HUF 1.6 billion will be allocated to the development of new bike paths in the busiest parts of the city. But it will be good for us! So there is and will be money for all of these. And somehow the leftist press doesn't slander them every day.

Dear Mayor, Dear 444! Dear HVG!

Yes, this is the birthday of our Christian country, which of course we know is not as big a holiday for you as, say, Pride or the Island Festival - of course, they are not polluting at all and do not cost anything, right - but try to accept that it is important to us our national heritage, because this Christian Hungary has existed for a thousand years, which is a great thing and we would like to commemorate it every year with pleasure. If you like it, if you don't.

Pest Boys