Blikk wrote in 2021 that István Körmendi wants to practice for another two years, but it seems that he will not stop healing for quite some time.

Nők Lapja, he also revealed the secret of his long life.

"Genetic endowments decide

which may be less good anyway, and they need to be improved somewhat. Then someone may have good genetics, which can be worsened by alcohol, nicotine, and perhaps also by lifestyle," said István Körmendi, who never smoked or drank alcohol, but exercised regularly.

István Körmendi - who started his practice after the regime change in the 1st district clinic where his father started his practice in 1920 - also said what the "ideal ending" would be like for him.

"My ideal ending would be if we had already touched on the issue of death, that after a busy day I go to bed with a healthy tiredness, I sleep well - I actually sleep well, luckily - and then I wake up the next day to find that I didn't wake up"

said the old doctor.

"I live here 24 hours a day"

The doctor also previously told Nők Lap about how he feels about his office. "The clinic is also my home. I live here 24 hours a day, I can't help but pick up the phone, when it rings, I open the door. I know that

I would also like it if I had a problem and someone would lend a helping hand"

- said István Körmendi.

Featured image: László Böröcz's Facebook page