Those press workers who nevertheless published a slanderous article about Csaba Böjte and the Szent Ferenc Dévai Foundation were unable to uncover the whole truth, Tünde Szabó, one of the authors working at Átlátszó Erdély, admitted to Origo

The character assassination attempt ultimately failed, because Mónika Máthé, the "crown witness" of the left-wing journalists, herself admitted that "poisonous people" hunted for Csaba Böjte's head with her help.

An employee of Átlátszó Erdély stated that they could not fully support their claims,

and stated that they tried to verify the truthfulness of the statements made by their informant in the interview. Tünde Szabó added: the informant

"his story and its details are consistent with the general results of research on sexual abuse".

The author, who called Origó's journalists propagandists and threatened legal consequences, also explained by indicating that the whole truth cannot be ascertained from certain aspects. In addition, he admitted that the details of what happened in the Sovata home were reported differently by each actor.

The alleged victim is coming back, we can now say that a planned media campaign to discredit Csaba Böjte took place

One can only speculate as to why the article was published despite the contradictions and uncertainties, but perhaps the reasoning given by Árpád Kulcsár, former editor-in-chief of Transindex, in a similar case is not far from reality. According to Kulcsár, the

"the presumption of innocence works a little differently in sexual harassment cases" and the alleged abuses need to be thematized.

Featured image: István Biró | Source: MTI/MTVA