Yesterday was not only marked by the Kötcsei Citizen's Picnic, but also the opposition, at least to the extent of SzázSzó.

Roughly two hundred people gathered on Saturday at the Fire Club on Margit Island, where, organized by István Ujhelyi and Péter Horgas, they tried to revive the tradition of Szárszó meetings SzázSzó .

At the same time as the Kötcs picnic, a part of the opposition intelligentsia gathered in Budapest to try to revive the tradition of meetings organized for years in the garden of the Farkasházy Tivadar in Balatonszárszó under the name SzázSzó

On Saturday afternoon, Kata Oltai and Zsolt Nagy, Éva Szentesi, Katalin Lukácsi, Péter Márki-Zay, Attila Mesterházy, István Nyakó, Tamás Jordán, Zoltán Komáromi, Erzsébet Nagy, Zoltán Somogyi, Miklós Ligeti appeared on Margaret Island on Saturday afternoon, but it was Gordon Bajnai who showed up the Minister of Finance, Péter Oszkó, too - it was revealed from the report.

Zsolt Nagy's opinion

He also spoke to the actor Zsolt Nagy. When he got the microphone, he started by almost falling asleep during the Oszkos' conversation. He then went on to say

for two hours nothing else has happened but to knead the sz@rt. Don't love me!”

Based on the paper's report, the audience liked the actor's words, as they applauded him. Zsolt Nagy claimed that he was ashamed of the constant face-off, when in fact the intellectuals of the opposition are not present at the events that really matter: lately, alongside the teachers and students.

He emphasized that in his profession, if you don't like something, you have no other choice, you have to keep quiet.

He said that he feels like "dirt under my fingernails"

because he doesn't want to define himself in relation to Viktor Orbán or Fidesz, and when Zoltán Somogyi, who will take on the role of moderator, wanted to applaud him for his criticism, he just waved: "why, no way". He received the applause regardless.

Featured image: Dave Hooker/Wikipedia