Did they know? According to the British Daily Express, which knows better, "it is problematic that some member states put their own goals ahead of the interests of Zelensky's troubled state."

Well, that's really disgusting! What do they imagine (we imagine)? Let them sacrifice everything for the pianist, because his state is the pinnacle of democracy, the home of freedom, the Canaan of the coexistence of peoples. They are so full of democracy that they can no longer hold it, so they sell it away. Sometimes they ban opposition parties, sometimes churches, sometimes in the name of an endlessly free press, they promise to hunt down journalists who don't like them. In the latter case, unfortunately, some stain fell on the white canvas of democracy, because the female spokesperson who announced the hunt was pushed from her throne. Presumably not because of what he said, but because he said it publicly.

The way they treat indigenous minorities living in their territory is also exemplary, because the real thing is that everyone is equal. That is, everyone is Ukrainian, even those who are Hungarian, Romanian or Russian. No, the latter cannot be classed as Ukrainians, they can be tried to completely wipe them out.

Before our beloved liberal-Bolshevik press and politicians start cursing and even slandering us, I respectfully enlighten them: anyone who is not willing to sing hymns of praise about the Ukrainian leadership is not yet a friend of Russia. He's just a realist and sees what they don't want to see.

On the one hand, the generous hedgehog of the Daily Express can whine about his island without any problems, because it is quite far from Ukraine. On the other hand, it is not the English who are falling on the fronts, so what is the reason for him to be outraged that some governments, which are still sane, are not willing to become the "elite suicide squad of the Judean National Front" known from the movie Life of Brian.

The difference between solidarity and suicide is small, although it can be clearly delineated.

The paper calls the Hungarian, Polish and Romanian decision a rebellion, according to which we oppose the decision of Ursula and her slepje and do not allow Ukrainian grain into our markets. All right, let there be a rebellion, because they used to rebel against the tyrant and the European Commission (with the left-liberal European Parliament dictating to them in the background) has really been behaving like a dictator cut from a stake for quite some time. Quite spectacularly with us and the Poles. So be it, yes, let's riot! In fact, it can be predicted that if their governments commit suicide in a cowardly and spineless way, the Romanian and Bulgarian farmers will also revolt.

Let us remember that these countries have been duped in a vile way by the leadership of the Union. They lied that Ukrainian grain only "travels" through them to reach starving African countries. But that wheat is not this wheat, Ukrainian grain is mostly American grain, produced only on Ukrainian territory. With methods and chemicals that have long been banned in the EU.

So they fed us and now they want to feed us the Yankees' garbage.

Thanks, but we won't bite, let those who gave free rein to the Ukrainian-American trash get the wheat.

The newspaper also says that "Poland, Hungary and Slovakia ignored the EU commission and ordered a ban on Ukrainian grain despite the proposal." There is no question of a proposal, more of an assassination attempt against the economies of the countries concerned. The sole licker of the USA, Ursula von der Leyen and her gang are making a big bow to the interests of the Central and Eastern European member states, instead they unabashedly serve Ukrainian (read: American) business interests.

In other words, we did not ignore the committee's "proposal", but the committee ignored us.

"The move caused outrage in the capitals of the Western European member states ," the Daily Express writes, of course, in general, because they cannot lie that the "rebellious countries" were cursed during mass demonstrations in the named capitals. I suspect that the indignation was conceived only in the mind of the author of the English newspaper, and of course in those politicians who betray Europe and serve causes contrary to the interests of the Union, who work for the wages of the Soros or the CIA.

The real outrage is the legitimate outrage on our side.

Author: György Tóth Jr

Front page image: Tractors at a farmers' demonstration against the decision in Brussels on September 15 to cancel the ban on the import of Ukrainian grain near the Hungarian-Ukrainian border crossing in Záhony on September 17, 2023 / Photo: Attila Balázs / Source: MTI