Why should heterosexual parents standing in line allow homosexual couples who, out of sheer selfishness, exclude their future child from the possibility of a full life?

We went through the entire procedure of adoption, and after 3 and a half years of waiting in vain, one of our children, then the other, was conceived spontaneously.

But before that, we underwent all kinds of medical tests, a psychologist examined whether we were fit to have children. After that, we had to attend a half-year course, and then they came for an environmental study, where the guardian lady asked us to go to the toilet, where she took a sample to see if there was any plague, cholera, or typhoid in the apartment.

When he came out, he asked why we wanted to have a child at such an "old age" (32 years).

We waited patiently while we continued to age.

Then I got a call saying that a 16-year-old lady will give birth to twins in 3 days, should we accept it?

Of course, yes, you could catch a bird with us. We had just written the list of what to buy for the babies arriving in 3 days, when the next call came:

the 16-year-old lady, who was drunkenly accosted by a casual acquaintance in the restroom at a party, that she didn't choose us, she liked a doctor's family better.

After that, we went to Szekszárd, where the wife of the SZDSZ mayor founded a private adoption agency, where you could "buy" a child for an amount clearly visible to the naked eye, but even there the line was very long.

Then all of a sudden, in this hopeless situation, God blessed us with one child, and then a year and a half later with our other child.

The nonsense that poor children languish in orphanages and it would be better if they could be brought up in a family, even if they are homosexual, is false because everyone wants to adopt a newborn.

Healthy and white.

By the way, there are hardly any Roma newborns, because a child can only be adopted if the MOTHER renounces it.

However, the Roma do not like to give up their children, even if they have otherwise been placed in state care, so they cannot be adopted until the mother gives up the child.

The orphanages are therefore full of older Roma children who cannot be adopted.

No matter how we screw it up, few people desire it.

Not even same-sex couples…

So: There are few children and many childless parents, so the waiting time is several years.

Why should heterosexual parents standing in line allow homosexual couples who, out of sheer selfishness, exclude their future child from the possibility of a full life?

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