Help at the push of a button!

Taking care of pensioners and the safety of the elderly is of prime importance for the government, emphasized the Prime Minister's Commissioner for Priority Social Affairs in a video post uploaded to his Facebook page.

Zsolt Nyitrai put it this way:

The Hungarian government always stands up for the interests of pensioners, protects pensions even in times of war, guarantees inflation-adjusted pension increases and managed to restore the 13th month pension, which the left took away from the elderly.

It is equally important for the government to take care of the safety of pensioners, which is why they launched the Caregiver program, which is unique in Europe, a service that can be applied for free and does not have a monthly fee, which can be requested by anyone over 65 who wants to be safe 24 hours a day

- He told.

Gondosóra gives security to the pensioner, peace of mind to the relative, help at the push of a button, added Zsolt Nyitrai.

In the video briefing, government spokesperson Alexandra Szentkirályi stated:

many elderly people live far from their loved ones, who worry about them every day, Gondosóra provides immediate help in case of trouble, it is extremely easy to use, one press of a button and help arrives.

The service can be applied for on the website, by phone, or by requesting a call back at the Registration Customer Service phone number 06-1-445-00-80, or on paper, by the user or the helper, he informed.

Alexandra Szentkirályi encouraged everyone to apply for the Caring Hour and register their elderly relatives in the program.


Featured image: MTI Photo: Lajos Soós