The New York Times, which is close to the Democratic Party, became the target of worried parents - not by chance - after the newspaper called the teacher who was involved in several scandals in recent months a "sex positive" teacher. Justine Ang Fonte taught sex-educated gender classes for children in New York's elite schools, but she went too far, to say the least, when she talked about masturbation to elementary school students and taught pornographic terms to the older ones.

For seven years, Justine Ang Fonte was the head of health at Dalton School, one of Manhattan's elite schools. However, in recent months, he has been involved in several scandals. In May, he was invited by another elite school to hold an information class for high school students, which several people attended online, so parents could also hear when Fonte started talking to the students about porn. During the class, the speaker covered in detail the most popular porn search terms of 2019, which he also talked about, such as "gruppen", "milf", "anal" and the like, but he also presented various porn genres, including BDSM. At one point in the presentation, Fonte detailed that heterosexual women experience orgasm much less often than their gay counterparts, but he also showed pictures of naked women tied up to demonstrate the difference between porn and art, Origo learned .

Many parents and students were outraged by the incident, but Fonte's employer, the Dalton School, defended the speaker. According to their spokesperson, the course provides students with important knowledge about body positivity, consensual sex and understanding different boundaries. Not long after, however, an even bigger scandal broke out when Fonte gave a lecture on masturbation to first graders. For the 5-7 year olds, the woman presented an animated short film she made herself.

Hey, how come my penis grows and stares at the sky sometimes?

- asks a little boy in the short film. He then adds, "sometimes I touch my penis because it feels good". Another participant, a little girl, said: sometimes, "when I'm in the bath or my mom has already laid me down, I touch myself there too." All this for children aged 5, 6 and 7. Then the adult actor explains to the children what parts of their genitals are there that feel good to touch. After an outcry from parents, Fonte defended himself by saying that the video was really just teaching kids not to masturbate in front of others and that he never once used the word "masturbation". A spokesperson for the Dalton School told the New York Post that the Gender & Bodies classes, as part of the school's health curriculum, include age-appropriate curriculum that is consistent with nationally recognized methodologies and standards. But the parents also complained about another lesson, which was about consent. It is fine to talk to the children about this, but it is too much to teach the children that their parents must first ask permission if they want to hug them, a parent pointed out.

Am I going to pay these sh**heads fifty thousand dollars to tell my kid not to let go if his grandpa wants to hug him when he sees him?

one mother complained. After that, Fonte resigned from the school, but The New York Times defended him, which again caused huge outrage among parents and other critics.

Porn literacy classes teach children how to be critical of what they see on the screen. But when a sex-positive educator taught about it at two elite New York schools, parents were outraged

- wrote The New York Times, sharing their article on the subject. Although the Times acknowledges that Fonte has received several negative feedbacks, they emphasize that they consulted several experts and sex educators, who said that there was nothing wrong with Fonte's curriculum and that it was in line with the National Sexuality Education Standards. According to the author of the article, pornography education teaches children how to recognize what is realistic and what is not. However, the article was, to put it mildly, not an undivided success, many people were outraged that the Times defended the teacher.

Porn is not sex positive. That's like saying rat poison is a vitamin. Porn degrades people and damages healthy sexuality. Teaching five-year-olds to masturbate is sexual abuse and all adults involved should be prosecuted

pro-life activist Lila Rose wrote on her Twitter page. According to Barrington Martin II, a politician from Georgia, The New York Times should also be added to the list of newspapers that promote sexuality among children. But many others questioned the Times' argument and drew attention to the problems of American education and gender propaganda.
