Patent and NANE associations, also financed by the György Soros foundation, hold a summer sexual education camp The poster of the event tripped the fuse for many parents. In a reader's letter sent to our newspaper, a mother asked the poetic question about the poster advertising the camp, "Do they want to turn my daughter into a bitch?". Even the title of the event is, so to speak, interesting: "Summer camp for rebellious girls."

In addition to the tasteless poster, an additional problem with the thoughts expressed in the camp may be that these organizations give the children applying in the name of sexual education practically an ideological training. In the menu item "Society and gender roles", for example, children are immediately introduced to the concept of "patriarchy".

"Patriarchal society focuses on men's reality, reacts to men's needs, while ignoring women's reality, needs, and wants. The different position of women and men in the social hierarchy leads to different everyday experiences," reads the website.

The claim that we still live in a patriarchal society is one of the important basic tenets of feminism. According to this, women dominated by men are forced into a subordinate role in all aspects. It is a common feminist argument that men own most of the capital and wealth, but the argument is flawed in that it projects the results of an extremely small, extremely successful group onto society as a whole. While, in principle, men would rule over women, the fact is: more men are in prisons, men perform worse in school, more men die as a result of wars, and the hardest jobs are typically done by men.

Today, it can be said that men and women have never been more equal in all respects than they are today in Europe and North America. Of course, this means that there are just as many "oppressive" men in relationships and in the workplace as there are women, but today it is hardly possible to talk about the oppression of women on a social scale.

However, in the camps of Patent and NANE, young girls can encounter exactly such thoughts. How does this differ, for example, from when, say, Scientologists banned from domestic schools want to spread their harmful doctrines? Because that's essentially what it's about.

Educating children about sexuality is one of the most important tasks of families and parents.
It is also important to involve civil organizations and professionals in this process. The success of the child's later relationships as an adult can be a measure of parental performance: does he manage to learn good examples and eliminate the bad examples set by his parents? However, Patent and NANE destroy all this with an ideological sledgehammer. That is why the recently adopted child protection law, which caused a great storm, is also important: LGBTQ organizations for whom sexual education is not a goal, but a means to spread political ideologies, want to enter schools.

The poster of the Patent Association announcing the summer camp Photo: Facebook

Source: Hungarian Nation