I am disgusted by people who can kill others. But should I not be disgusted by those who demand free killing? Written by György Tóth Jr.

Patents are placarding. The right of their hearts, they do as much stupidity as they want and demand as much stupidity as they like.

The problem is that they are even proud of it, because they are the warrior Amazons who join the ranks of those who demand child murder. But Lord God, now they are definitely classified as vile figures who objectify or even dehumanize women, since I mentioned the breast, but I swear that I only used the commonly known term, without any ulterior motives. Alas, another hasty word, aiming at the rear must be a very sexist thing - in the eyes of the mentally ill, in the eyes of those who envision the vileness of men in all things.

Let's clear something up in advance. For me, the concept of woman is the same as miracle. A woman is capable of what we men will never be: to give life.

Not even if a bunch of idiots in Brussels vote that yes, men can give birth too, because men can't give birth even if the EU decision stipulates otherwise.

Unfortunately, according to the signs, no psychiatrists or nurses are allowed in the European Parliament, who could gently escort patients called politicians into a peaceful, rubber-coated village room. So let's just say that I respect, appreciate and admire women, of course those who are women in the true sense of the word.

Because those who demand safe abortion and claim that feticide is a fundamental right are not women.

They certainly aren't in my eyes. Moreover, they cannot be accused of having a thorough knowledge of the science of biology, otherwise they would not demand such nonsense as "safe abortion". It's like asking for dry water or wet fire, because there is no such thing as a safe abortion, intervention, whatever it may be, is definitely risky. Even the so-called abortion pill is, although the drug lobby tries to deny this. The "mildest" of the risks is becoming infertile, which is of course a desirable side effect in the eyes of the enemies of childbearing.

The operation of the Patent association, which plasters Budapest with posters, is very useful in itself, as it acts against violence against women and helps the victims, and this is an extremely important activity. Men who lay hands on a woman are cowardly scum, the scum of humanity. I would prefer to banish anyone who does this to the moon, but without an oxygen bottle. Well, let's not be so radical, let's say 20 years in some medieval castle prison, in the company of cheerful rat families. They would be roughly the same.

So I can state that I do not consider the association itself to be a close enemy. Only their feticide efforts.

Patent abortion

Source: Patent Association / Facebook

For the believer, the prohibition is clear, the fifth commandment reads: Do not kill! It's not about don't kill adults, don't kill unborn children. According to our belief, the prohibition of killing also applies to conceived life. Unfortunately, according to some, the Ten Commandments are only a kind of recommendation, and some of its instructions can be ignored if it is dictated by their interests.

When it comes to abortion, I think I can discover two large groups of those who support it. One comes from the circle of men, they are the ones who are not willing to take any responsibility for the possible consequences of their pleasure. They are the ones who are even willing to force their partner to kill an existing human being. The other is a group of female-looking beings who also enjoy unrestricted and irresponsible sex, but are no longer willing to accept its results. This is when the deaf text comes, about the woman's right to self-determination, but not a single word is uttered about the fetus's right to life.

In my opinion - and fortunately in the opinion of many of my fellow human beings - a child is not a curse, not a curse, on the contrary, it is a blessing, each a miracle in its own right. But there are those who treat conception as an accident, but if it is an accident, let's see what happens in the same situation on the public road?

Although I'm not a kid anymore, I love driving just as much as I did 45 years ago when I got my driver's license. I enjoy sitting behind the wheel and I don't want to harm anyone with my driving. However, if I run someone over for a single second, there are consequences even if I didn't mean to. In other words, we must take responsibility for all our actions and their consequences. Why does anyone think that after the enjoyable night, if fate so chooses, they can escape the consequences of the "accident" without responsibility?

But I can give you a clearer example. Of course, we renounced the death penalty, saying that we have no right to take a human life. Not even if the person did take someone else's. Did we do the right thing? I think it probably is. (Of course, there are exceptions, there are times when our sense of justice would demand that we eliminate the brutal, conscienceless scoundrel so that he can no longer harm anyone, but that is another question.)

If we can't even kill an adult scum who is aware of his actions, what right do we have to do the same to an innocent fetus unable to defend itself?

I am disgusted by people who can kill others. But should I not be disgusted by those who demand free killing?

The words of American President Ronald Reagan come to mind when I hear and read the demands of pro-abortion figures: "I noticed that those who are pro-abortion have all already been born."

Featured image: Patent Association / Facebook