"The smaller part of the left is obstinately wrapped up in its own ancient errors and vegetating in sectarianism," says the analyst.

Béla Galló, the XXI. According to the analyst of the Század Institute, the President of the Democratic Republic of the Congo has always consumed ideology according to his own political business interests: now he is an evangelist, so to speak, read the of Magyar Nemzet .

Gyurcsány and social democracy

"Ferenc Gyurcsány was already a Soviet-type youth communist, immediately afterwards a neophyte liberal, then a secondary freshness, false Blairite, and he was not just a social democrat: neither in the classical Bernstein sense, nor in the post-Bad Godesberg sense," Galló told the paper, following the fact that the The president of DK recently calls his party a social democrat.

The specialist has published many books on social democracy, he believes

the president of the DK has always consumed ideology according to his own political and business interests: now he is an evangelist, so to speak.

"According to Gyurcsány, the social democrats are the bearers of the good news today, they are the saviors of the "people" who specialize in overthrowing governments. After all, by the end of the 20th century, the domestic left, fed by the international umbilical cord, had lost all its social criticism and alternative formation profile," stressed Béla Galló.

The left is becoming entrenched and sectarian

The expert stated that "the smaller part of the left (but at least honestly you are the same) is obstinately cocooned in its own ancient errors and vegetating in sectarianism, while the majority of them have given up their previous principles and become a serviceable importer of unbridled profit logic, stupid transhumanism and the new Bolshevist-inspired woke" developed", in unbreakable friendship with similarly "progressive" Western politicians".

He also added that

if the Gyurcsánys smell a new deal in social democracy this time, it usually has international reasons".

"They were told from the outside that it's okay, they can try again, because the situation is there, it's even getting worse, they guarantee this with the pressure from outside. And the Gyurcsánys are boldly taking advantage of the situation, they can be social democrats, just don't look like their Danish or Slovak colleagues, for example," said the analyst.

Featured image: MN/Árpád Kurucz