In addition to the capital city government, Tanítanék Mozgalom, Egységes Diákfornt and ADOM Student Movement are organizing a teachers' protest in the capital city on the commemoration day of the revolution of October 23, 1956, according to the official Facebook event of . Exact details about the event have not been announced so far, the Oktogon has been given as the venue, and it is expected to start at 6 p.m.

As is well known, the left organized a demonstration last Friday, the fifteenth of September, the International World Day of Democracy, with reference to teachers, but only a few hundred people took part in the demonstration.

Gergely Karácsony, Lili Pankotai and Ákos Hadházy also appeared at the The movement was organized by the United Student Front, and then joined by Civil Bázis, PDSZ, Fridays For Future, MKKSZ, After I Quit, Roma Parliament, New Roma Innovation Foundation, Igazgyöngy Foundation, Nyomtassteis, Padtársak, Education for Democracy Foundation, National Dialogue.

At that time, those who spoke at the demonstration shouted obscene, obscene, indecent words and urged those present to say them with them. Referring to disadvantaged children, the student front harassed the audience and called on them to dismantle the system together. At the end of the demonstration, the few went to the Carmelite monastery, but the police closed the top of the stairs. A small fight broke out after several people tried to get past the police.

Source: Hungarian Nation

Cover image: Gergely Karácsony (Photo: Screenshot/Video)