The Diocese of Szombathely bought the Brenner villa, the birthplace of János Boldog Brenner, for HUF 100 million. reported on the details

The upheaval of the Brenner Villa in Szombathely may come to an end after the Diocese of Szombathely purchased the property under the leadership of County Bishop János Székely. János Brenner was born in this house on December 17, 1931. Two days before his 26th birthday, he was killed with particular cruelty near Rábakethely by the people of the dictatorship.

"The Brenner villa, which had seen better days before, was sometime in the 18th and 19th centuries. Built at the turn of the century, originally as a restaurant, the building was remodeled by renowned architect János Brenner. After the villa was taken out of the family's possession, it housed a hen hatchery, a pioneer house, a school district directorate, a girls' dormitory, a high school, and finally a casino. In recent years, the building has been in the headlines with the fact that it has been repeatedly destroyed by fire and vandals, which nature and animals have not yet destroyed.

- can be read on the website of the diocese.

There are no exact plans yet for the utilization of the 600-square-meter property, but it has been suggested that a memorial room should be created for János Boldog Brenner and Mayor Tóbiás Brenner, and they are also looking for community functions that are suitable for addressing the people of Szombathely and financially ensure the building's survival.

The announcement was also attended by the brother of the martyr priest, Father József Brenner, who gave a touching testimony during the visit of Pope Francis in the St. Stephen's Basilica.

The story of the murder of János Brenner:

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