The West recognized: Viktor Orbán is the only one in Europe who dared to do this.

All major Western newspapers reported that Viktor Orbán met Vladimir Putin at the Silk Road Summit, and although the majority approached the event from the point of view that the Hungarian Prime Minister was the first EU Prime Minister to negotiate with the Russian President since the international arrest warrant was issued, they also reported on what was said at the meeting.

Because what happened also highlights the fact that, for the first time, an EU head of government told Putin, accused of war crimes, to his face: he wants peace.

The most important thing for us, Hungarians and the whole of Europe, would be to end the flow of refugees, sanctions and fights in our neighborhood - stated Viktor Orbán, who met the Russian president for the 13th time since 2009, but in his opinion, they have never been so difficult situation.

After the consultation, Putin also spoke about the fact that although the positions do not always agree, they at least have the opportunity to exchange opinions, and Hungary does not shy away from this.

Viktor Orbán belongs to the small group of European politicians who know how to protect their interests, and he does this persistently, consistently and, in my opinion, completely tactfully, Putin said.