The last Sunday of October is the Székely Autonomy Day. Guard fires and torches are lit all over Székelyföld on this day, announcing the rightful demand of the Hungarians living there for autonomy - read the announcement of Katalin Szili, Chief Advisor to the Prime Minister.

Katalin Szili wrote that the trees indicate that a European community that gives a little to itself, its achievements, and its culture cannot ignore the aspirations of the people of Székely who want to prosper in their homeland and are proud of their identity.

He also drew attention to the fact that if democracy, the principle of subsidiarity, and the fate of citizens are not the only basis of reference for the European Union, then it must support the self-administration demands of national minority communities.

"In the midst of today's global vulnerability, there is a great need for the unity of the nation. The Day of Székely Autonomy is also a reminder for all of us that we cannot for a moment forget or lose sight of the rightful demand of our communities living outside the borders to be able to decide their own fate and thereby promote the growth of the majority society.

- said the chief adviser to the Prime Minister.

"We support the demand for self-administration of our Hungarian communities living outside our borders. Aware of our responsibility set out in the Basic Law, we support their efforts to preserve their Hungarianness"

Katalin Szili wrote in her announcement.


Featured image: István Kozma