Citing the fight against climate change, left-wing and green politicians would get people used to consuming traditional proteins of animal origin, i.e. meat. Several countries are already considering reducing meat consumption by raising prices, reports .

In the past few weeks, the idea of ​​a special tax on meat and meat products has been raised again and again at the EU level, in some member states.

This time, the left-wing politicians and the Greens, as well as the experts associated with them, would fight climate change by changing people's eating habits. The climate goals set for 2030 and 2050 can only be met by reducing meat consumption, since animal husbandry also contributes to harmful emissions.

With their often manipulative and misleading campaigns, the increasingly radical, climate-fighting NGOs have been openly attacking livestock farming for a long time and trying to exert serious pressure on decision-makers. In addition to an immediate reduction in meat consumption and milk production, they also demand a switch to alternative protein sources, primarily plant and insect.

Brussels would also put pressure on the price of meat after the overheads

The group of chief scientific advisors of the European Commission recommends the introduction of a meat tax. In an interview, Professor Eric Lambin openly supported the proposal, which would encourage consumers to consume alternative protein sources instead of animal products through high prices.

It is not clear how the meat tax would support the climate goals

comprehensive study published a few days ago in the scientific journal Nature, examining the possibilities of taxing meat products, came to the main conclusion that any kind of tax would be introduced on meat,

it would cause the biggest cost increase in low-income households, while the meat consumption of high-income households is not expected to decrease. This means that the meat tax would appear as a kind of austerity.

Cover image: Rudy and Peter Skitterians / Pixabay