The woke sees only victims and executioners around him, he tries to make the world better, but instead he crushes it to dust. But resistance is already forming…

Decolonialism, racism, trans-activism: "wokism" divided the world into oppressors and oppressed. The ideology was born in America, but it also spread to Europe. But will his grave also be his cradle? In the Anglo-Saxon countries, there are opposite efforts, which aim to thwart the coming of the Orwellian world. Many risk their careers and reputations to defend freedom of expression and equality before the law. Sylvie Perez's essay "En finir avec le wokisme" (Deal with Wokism) chronicles this counterattack.

What does "woman" mean? In principle, this is determined by biology. Sex chromosomes determine sex: XX in women, XY in men. Until recently, everyone agreed on this. Today, opinions are divided in this regard. According to the woke ideology, a woman is a woman who feels like a woman. A man, if he feels like a woman, if this is his heart's desire, then he is already a woman. And desire is only one step away from the right.

"Rights in which desires occupy a fearful place"

said Albert Camus. Wokism demands that transgender athletes be allowed to compete in women's sports events. Rapists who change their gender identity are locked up in women's prisons in Scotland, England and the United States. Girls' dormitories and changing rooms are open to boys who feel like girls.

Two worldviews

The staff of a British association interviewed all the candidates for the upcoming parliamentary elections and decided to publish the Politicians' What Does 'Woman' Mean? their answers to the question to show who among them are ready to stand up for women's rights. The sponsor of the initiative is Sharron Davies, former British Olympic swimmer.

According to Canadian political scientist Éric Kaufmann, the issue of Wokism is destined to dominate the political life of Western democracies. There are two opposing worldviews: those who insist on freedom of opinion, freedom of conscience, equality before justice and the scientific method, versus those who favor the protection of minorities and equality of outcomes (rather than equality of opportunity). and are ready to limit freedom of expression and discard part of their own cultural heritage in the service of these objectives. This debate will be decisive in the years to come.

The counter-response is already being organized

The woke sees only victims and executioners around him, he tries to make the world better, but instead he crushes it to dust. The Anglo-Saxon world was hit by this scourge earlier than us, and the response to it is already being organized there. I had the opportunity to observe the start of wokism from London, one of the stops between America and France. The characters of the backlash against wokism that I talk about in my book are black, white, Pakistani, homosexual, transgender. The requirement of diversity is therefore ensured!

The History Reclaimed (Rehabilitated History) was founded in August 2021 to counter the Wokist re-tuning of history, which reduces the West's past to three glaring sins: colonialism, imperialism and racism. Heterodox Academy , a collaborative platform of thousands of North American researchers, fights against the inquisitorial atmosphere spreading in universities.

Others left this battlefield and chose to start over. In November 2021, the University of Texas at Austin (UATX) as a committed supporter of academic freedom and civil debate. Goodbye quotas, goodbye diversity-equality-inclusion offices, we can forget the decolonization of knowledge, safe spaces... the goal here is no longer to protect students from strong ideas, but to introduce them to them.

"The university must once again become the beating heart of a free society"

- declared Panayiotis Kanelos, the president of the new institution.

Counterattack from three directions

Under the pretext of freeing humanity from negative things, cancel culture persecutes and ostracizes. Free Speech Union, founded by Toby Young in 2020, successfully defends British people accused of "crime of opinion" in each case. In the United States, FIRE (Foundation for Individual Rights and Expression) lawyers protect freedom of expression, which is also protected by the First Amendment of the United States Constitution. Cenacles, circles of like-minded people are formed. Do n't Divide Us brings together people of all ethnic backgrounds who believe that contemporary anti-racism threatens the cohesion of British society. The Common Sense Society is a cross-border organization. Its groups can be found in the United States, the Netherlands, Hungary, and the United Kingdom. They espouse the philosophies of Edmund Burke and Roger Scruton and promote a conservatism based on three pillars: liberty, prosperity, and beauty.

 American Christopher Rufo has developed a method to curb the power of wokism, especially its two most threatening doctrines, critical race theory and transgenderism.

His riposte is based on three lines of attack: media, politics and law. Regarding the media, it investigates the neo-racist content of school diversity training, civics and sex education classes and informs the public about it. These revelations trigger a grassroots movement (for example, parents of students protest against race-based pedagogy or against transgenderism being a school topic). Then politics picks up the topic, which becomes a campaign topic. Finally, Rufo assembles a team of lawyers who supply the elected representatives with the necessary materials for legal intervention, which is supposed to eliminate the woke activism hiding in the recesses of public administration and cultural institutions.

The counter attack must be strong and decisive.

Reversing the trend

Wokism is not a doomsday. It only took a small group of activists to spread like an epidemic from the United States to Australia. And it will also take a smaller group of resisters and rejects to reverse the trend. This book, En finir avec le wokisme, documents the methods of dissent and presents the intellectual authors of this movement.

Translated by: Adél Görgényi
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