As a result of Friday's accident at the National Theatre, the general manager of the theater resigned. However, János Csák, the head of the Ministry of Culture and Innovation, will deal with the initiative only after the investigation into the accident has been completed.

As a result of the unfortunate accident on Friday evening, Attila Vidnyánszky, acknowledging his responsibility as CEO, resigned from his position at the National Theatre. He informed the Minister of Culture and Innovation János Csák of his decision, the theater informed Magyar Nemzet.

On Friday, Júlia Szász and Ottó Lajos Horváth, two artists of the National Theatre, had an accident during the performance of Romeo and Juliet.

They were immediately taken to the hospital, and the performance was interrupted. The next day, the National Theater issued a statement in which it reported on the state of health of the artists.

The accident happened during the performance, but in a part of the set not visible to the audience. Before the unfortunate incident, Ottó Lajos Horváth kept his colleague Júlia Szász on a small balcony. The well-known actor is said to have suddenly become dizzy, which is why they both fell over the railing and then fell several meters onto the boards of the stage. Both actors had to be operated on, their condition is serious, but stable and not life-threatening.

In the Facebook post below, Minister of Culture and Innovation János Csák sent a message to the two actors: "I am sending my condolences and I wish a speedy recovery to the artists of the National Theater who suffered an accident!"

The official website of Semmelweis University announced that the two actors are doing better. As it is written, the ambulances transported Júlia Szász and Lajos Otto Horváth to the Semmelweis University Traumatology Clinic on Friday with limb injuries, who were operated on the same day. The actors of the National Theater are better, their condition is stable, but they have not yet been able to leave the clinic.

The Ministry of Culture and Innovation (KIM) told MTI on Monday that Minister János Csák will deal with the initiative after the conclusion of the investigation into the accident in the theater. Until then, Attila Vidnyánszky will fully perform his duties related to the management of the theater.

Hungarian Nation

Cover image: Resigned Attil Vidnyánszky
Source: vg/Teknős Miklós