Mária Wittner's message can only be taken away from Hungarians by oblivion, if they let it.

"Mária Wittner was the person from whom life always wanted to take everything, but God always replaced everything. And because of this, he had such an immeasurably strong faith that he was in daily contact, he really talked with the Good Lord," said Orsolya Ferencz at a professional conference in the Citizens' House that complemented the exhibition Készültem az útra, presenting the life journey and spiritual heritage of the '56 hero.

We have gathered in memory of an unbreakable giant - said Orsolya Ferencz in her personal speech at the conference on the life, work and legacy of Mária Wittner.

The ministerial commissioner emphasized that Mária Wittner's heroic life was nourished by continuous losses as a root, and she was able to continuously give from losses. How many of us can say that about ourselves?

Orsolya Ferencz spoke about how eight months in a house of mourning heals a person's soul.

There are those who lose all faith in such a situation and there are those who ennoble it into steel, he declared, referring to Sándor Reményik's poem Bethesda's Coast, in which the poet emphasizes: faith does not come by itself, faith is grace and gift.

Mária Wittner's pure childlike soul was worthy of being shaped by a series of trials into such a strong faith in God that she could only give, emphasized the ministerial commissioner. Orsolya Ferencz also spoke about the first time she saw Mária Wittner on television, who lived in a half-buried basement at the time, but spoke about her trials with incredible strength.

At the time, she was a very young, beginning university student, and I was very shocked how a woman could have so much strength, even though I didn't even know how much she actually went through, he said.

As he noted, fate brought him later that Mária Wittner herself approached him, which was a very embarrassing honor for him, but that recognition later turned into friendship.

She always gave, and not only a good word, faith, strength, but also something else - recalled Orsolya Ferencz, adding that Mária Wittner even enthusiastically collected Penny points for her daughter. She believed that the nation needs such women, who are both tough and unbreakable, but also loving and caring.

Róbert Hetzmann, the president of the Community of Hungarian Patriots, said that Mária Wittner's message can only be taken away from Hungarians by oblivion, if it is left.

As he pointed out, "Mária Wittner's exemplary life, the message of her self-sacrificing public life covering several decades is not only a huge spiritual resource for posterity, but also designates tasks and moral obligations".

Government Commissioner Szilárd Németh, Member of Parliament, in his message as the patron of the traveling exhibition commemorating Mária Wittner called Készültem az útra, pointed out that the traveling exhibition presenting the life and work of Mária Wittner was recently presented to the public thanks to the Patriots, which also covers a kind of metaphorical journey in its journey, since February It lasts from the 25th, the Memorial Day for the Victims of the Communist Dictatorships, to the Day of National Unity, until his 87th birthday, June 9th.

He added that this exhibition was combined with the commemorative meeting organized in the Citizens' House, which was intended to go around the point of alignment that Mária Wittner testified about '56.

Organized by the Association of Hungarian Patriots, the professional conference took place on Wednesday at the Citizens' House, which complemented the traveling exhibition in memory of Mária Wittner entitled Készültem az útra (I'm Ready for the Road) and presented the life and work of one of the last heroes of '56, who died recently, through personal and historical recollections. he represented his message with his life.

Pest Boys

Cover photo: Mária Wittner
Source: PS/Gyula Péter Horváth