does not invite Santa Claus to the institution, citing diversity and cultural differences

In order to respect diversity and cultural differences, Santa Claus will not visit the kindergarten in the Austrian village of Plainfeld this year, writes the

V4NA international news agency.

According to a report by Salzburger Nachrichten

this year, the authorities decided to keep him away from children, because Santa Claus traditionally wears a headgear with a clearly visible Christian symbol on it.

The decision was justified by respect for diversity and cultural differences.

Also, some children are said to be afraid of the man in red.

Pro-government mayor Wolfgang Ganzenhuber, who has been in office for 14 years, called the reasoning shocking.

The mayor shared online accounts of outraged parents who approached him and were baffled by the decision.

Because of the protests, educators are now considering putting children to a poll on whether they would accept candy from Santa if he came to visit.

Cover image: Illustration / MTI Photo: Márton Mónus