The Young Families Club (Ficsak) and the Szent István Institute formulated a five-point proposal to protect children's rights.

In their statement, they remind us that the UN General Assembly adopted the Convention on the Rights of the Child 34 years ago, on November 20, and since then this day has been World Children's Rights Day. The Convention summarizes the minimum rights of children, such as their rights to survival, development, protection and participation in society, which all States Parties are obliged to guarantee.

At that time, the enforcement of children's rights posed challenges primarily in developing countries, but now "the safety and healthy development of European children is threatened by a series of new threats".

For this reason, they formulated their proposals to the European decision-makers in five points, in which they call for the halting of illegal migration, recommend that children can grow up fully in their birth gender, and also that the tech giants be regulated. They urge peace and expect action against open attacks on our European way of life.

They explained that, as a result of mass illegal migration, the number of conflicts arising from cultural and religious differences in public education institutions is increasing throughout Europe; and the attractiveness of teaching and assistant careers is rapidly decreasing in this context as well.

The wars unleashed inflation on Europe by destroying energy security and economic competitiveness, and thus the life situation of millions of families with children became difficult.

Due to the coronavirus epidemic, the social bonds of entire generations have loosened, with online learning, many children throughout Europe have dropped out of public education or are still suffering the consequences of school closures for several months.

The online world has absorbed the children anyway, their social relationships have radically changed, many forms of addiction and a mass of harmful effects have appeared as a side effect of digitalization.

They added that the generations now growing up have also come under an immeasurably harmful ideological influence: gender ideology has become a curriculum and a mandatory part of pop culture, LGBTQ activism and the resulting sexual freedom have become a trend.

Because of all this, the two organizations are advocating parent cooperation at the European level, "because this is the only way to avoid phenomena that endanger children in the long term," they wrote in the announcement.


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