According to the lawyer, Orbán sensed very well that people do not decide what a good life is for them based on existential questions alone.

The historic success of the Hungarian national team also provided a topic for Monday evening's FIVE . The program featured historian Péter Konok, lawyer András Schiffer, political analyst Zoltán Ceglédi and journalist András Hont.

As also reported, after defeating Bulgaria - which ensured the Hungarian national team's participation in next year's continental tournament - Marco Rossi said : " There are many Hungarians who love the national team much less than I do, and it would be good if they were ashamed! "

Reactions soon arrived, László Bartus wrote : "Let's send a message to Rossi: we don't like the Hungarian national team either and we don't support him, which he has nothing to do with." But the Diétás Magyar Múzsa blog also sent a harsh message

The love of soccer is not a measure of Hungarianness

said András Hont in the ATV Öt program.

- It is possible to be such an excellent Hungarian that one does not care at all whether the team makes it to the European Championship or not. It is possible to analyze in smoky rooms, next to tables, whether sports successes can negatively influence the national self-image.

But when millions of our compatriots are happy about something, can't we sometimes remain silent? 

asked the journalist, to which lawyer András Schiffer responded

"there is a split in Hungarian society - which is not a Hungarian characteristic, but the result of globalization" - That someone's homeland is a small country engulfed in flames, and someone's place of residence

- said the lawyer, quoting Radnóti, and historian Péter Konok asked: "What does this have to do with soccer?"

"Believe it or not, I don't usually watch wrestling matches." But when there's an Olympics and there's something successful, I'll definitely watch it. It was one of the most uplifting feelings of my life that on my 50th birthday we are playing the European Championship here in Budapest and the Hungarian national team scores the leading goal for the world champion team, said Schiffer, who, according to

Orbán sensed very well that people do not decide what a good life is for them based on existential questions alone.

 – There is a cohesive force, an experience that is at least as important

- added the lawyer, which Konok apparently had difficulty understanding, and did not even agree that "we are making a general cohesive force out of this, because it is not general".

Political analyst Zoltán Czeglédi reacted to all of this by saying that it is not a question of being happy, of following, but only if, from the point of view of efficiency, if I push back, it does not bring, but takes away.

 - When the opposition sees that masses of people are following football, they only focus on the fact that it has to end, that's not right, which is very ineffective from an efficiency point of view

- said the analyst.

The show can be viewed here:

Source:, Magyar Nemzet , Mandiner

Photo: Árpád Földházi / Mandiner