The nativity scene in Vörs was completed for the 75th time, the construction of which required 1,200 working hours. The more than fifty square meter Christmas creation is the result of the joint efforts of dozens of hard-working locals.

In addition to three cubic meters of planks and beams, we used two cubic meters of wood and sixteen pine trees

- listed György Simon, who has been a member of the construction team for decades.

More than a dozen of them worked so that we could finish the festive decorations in the church this year as well. Some could come for two or three hours, others only after work. Unfortunately, the team is getting older, the young people mostly help with purchasing and putting up the lights

noted György Simon to Sonline-hu.

He pointed out: this year the rock wall was made of Styrofoam by locals. "The painted plaster figures are as old as the nativity scene, the little shepherds by the campfire are new," the builder pointed out.

the nativity scene in Vörs from all over the country, in the first half hour after the opening, a group of fifty people from Csikszereda came to see the wonderful Christmas creation, but they also came from Felvidék, Győr, and Budapest.

In the settlement, they prepare for the construction of the nativity scene all year round, and they also collect raw materials during excursions in the forest.

This year, I was able to participate in its construction almost all the way through, which took 1,200 working hours

- remarked Mayor Tamás Deák, adding: every year something is changed at Nativity.

Vörsi nativity scene

Vörsi Bethlehem Official Site

János Kis moved from Pilis to Vörs four years ago. As he says, his twenty years of carpentry experience was a great help in creating the substructure. László Gara has been retired since 2007, and since then he has been a pillar member of the Nativity building team. He says that they always start building from the top, because they can't go back there afterwards.

Nativity can be visited every day from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. until January 28.

Featured image: Facebook/Official Page of Vörsi Betlehem