We win in Europe when we confront the left with the destruction it has wrought in recent decades, Matteo Salvini pointed out at the multi-day public meeting organized by the Italian right, at which Giorgia Meloni called the 2024 European Parliament elections a historic turning point.

We don't want entire nations to disappear due to population decline, and if the population is replaced by migrants, countries will lose their identity, said American entrepreneur Elon Musk, the richest man in the world, at the Italian right-wing political and public meeting called Atreju in Rome on Saturday.

Elon Musk took the stage with one of his little sons around his neck at the meeting at Angyalvár.

In his speech, he explained that he considers the survival of humanity to be of primary importance, therefore it is important to give birth to children and give life to new generations.

"Otherwise there is a danger that in three or four generations the world's population will be reduced to one-tenth of what it is today, and in the end humanity will disappear," he declared, adding that the population of Japan, France or Italy must not be allowed to disappear. He predicted a 40 percent demographic decline in China.

He said that if residents are replaced by migrants, countries will lose their identity and "will no longer be the same as before, Italy must be represented by Italians".

Elon Musk emphasized that he only supports legal immigration: those who work "honestly and hard" must be admitted, whereas in the case of uncontrolled illegal migration, we do not know who will arrive.

"I'm not saying that all illegal immigrants are criminals, most of them are blameless, but without checks, how can we determine who is honest? That is why illegal migration must be stopped," he said.

He asked Europe not to adopt the woke ideology from the United States, which "does nothing but turn people against each other." He had the same opinion about the much-vaunted political correctness. “People should succeed by their work, not by their gender or race. (These ideologies) judge people,” he stated.

The American millionaire businessman called artificial intelligence the biggest challenge of our civilization, which he considered a double-edged sword: "it will be able to do everything, but it has no conscience".

The Atreju meeting was closed on Sunday by the Prime Minister, Giorgia Meloni.

In his speech, the president of the Italian Brothers (FdI) reminded that the communists and socialists voted against the European community at that time by choosing to join the Socialist International, so their successors cannot teach the right wing a lesson about Europe.

Giorgia Meloni called the 2024 European Parliament elections a historic turning point.

"To the journalists who are racking their brains over what kind of majority can be formed in Brussels, I would like to say that those who vote for the Italian Brothers in next year's European Parliament elections are not choosing shrewd tactics, but national belonging and the realization of the European dream, which It took place in Rome sixty-six years ago," stated Meloni, referring to the 1957 Treaty of Rome that established the European Economic Community.

Invited as a guest, Matteo Salvini, leader of the right-wing government party, the League, declared: "We will win in Europe if the competition is not between right-wing forces, but if we confront the left with the destruction it has wrought in recent decades. The left is the enemy of development and humanity on the European continent".

Salvini added that the left and György Soros can only be sent out of Europe with a unified centre-right.


Cover photo: Musk and Meloni in Rome
Source: X/Giorgia Meloni