According to Csaba Dömötör, they rushed to adopt the new rules because the EP elections are approaching and they are afraid that after the elections they will no longer have the necessary majority.

"We didn't expect this kind of Christmas present," responded Csaba Dömötör to the acceptance of the migration pact. The state secretary stated: this package is completely contrary to what the Hungarian government represents, both in its elements and as a whole.

Dömötör said: the long-disputed distribution quota is included in the package, so they determine how many migrants each member state must accept. "But they go beyond that, because the new package also includes that

in a crisis situation, these numbers can be exceeded, which can practically mean an unlimited number of admissions for the member states"

says the state secretary.

The negotiators of the European Parliament and the Council of the European Union have reached a political agreement on the EU's migration and asylum pact, the successive Spanish Presidency of the Council announced on Wednesday in Brussels. In the statement issued on the subject, it was emphasized that the pact affects all stages of the management of asylum and migration, starting from the screening of illegal migrants upon their arrival in the EU, the recording of biometric data, the procedure for submitting and processing asylum applications, and determining which Member State is responsible for assessing asylum applications, and also provides for cooperation, solidarity between member states and how to handle crisis situations, including the "use" of migrants as tools.

According to Dömötör, the new package would also override the current Hungarian asylum procedures.

"The consequence of all this would be that migrant ghettos would be created in Hungary as well"

he emphasized. According to him, they were in a hurry to adopt the new rules because the EP elections are approaching and they are afraid that after the elections they will no longer have the necessary majority.

Featured image: MTVA