According to the Prime Minister, gender propaganda is not a good-natured bullshit, there is no excuse for pedophilia, the child is sacred and inviolable.

Viktor Orbán shared a video about his opinion on child protection on the social media page of Fidesz.

In the video, Viktor Orbán explains why the child protection law will be protected at any cost from Brussels' attacks.

"There is no excuse for pedophilia. The child is sacred and inviolable. The adults' job is to protect the children at any cost," he said. He also stated that "we are not interested in how Brussels excuses and explains the inexplicable".

This is Hungary!

said the Prime Minister. He added, "gender propaganda is not a good-natured bullshit, it's not a rainbow trick, it's the biggest danger lurking for our children!"

He added: such things have no business in Hungary, and especially not in schools.

He emphasized that even the most determined government cannot succeed alone in this matter. Everyone, parents, grandparents, teachers and educators will be needed here.

At the end of the video, the major government party asked everyone to fill out the national consultation, which includes the question about child protection.

Featured image: International press conference in December 2023 / Viktor Orbán's Facebook page